Circular No. 39 - MW Agapito S. Suan, Jr.

To: All Grand Lodge Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Jurisdiction
Subject: WB Greg Macasaet Special Memorial Fund Implementing Guidelines

Circular No. 38 - MW Agapito S. Suan, Jr.

To: All Grand Lodge Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Jurisdiction
Subject: Reiteration of the General Suspension of all Masonic Activities Nationwide

Circular No. 37 - MW Agapito S. Suan, Jr.

To: All Grand Lodge Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Jurisdiction
Subject: GLP NCR Medical Frontliner Assistance Initiative: Implementing Guidelines

Circular No. 36 - MW Agapito S. Suan, Jr.

To: All Grand Lodge Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Jurisdiction
Subject: General Suspension of All Masonic Activities Nationwide and Temporary Cancellation of Ancom 2020

Circular No. 35 - MW Agapito S. Suan, Jr.

To: All Grand Lodge Officers, DDGMs, DGLs. GLIs, and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Jurisdiction
Subject: Suspension of Stated Meetings of Lodges and Cancellation of all Masonic Events in the National Capital Region for the period March 15, 2020 to April 14, 2020 and for other Matters

Circular No. 34 - MW Agapito S. Suan, Jr.

To: All Grand Lodge Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Jurisdiction
Subject: Urgent Protocol on Corona Virus (NCOV 19)

Circular No. 33 - MW Agapito S. Suan, Jr.

To: All Grand Lodge Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges of this Jurisdiction
Subject: Use of Unauthorized Apron and Jewel

Circular No. 32 - MW Agapito S. Suan, Jr.

To: All Grand Line Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, Masters, Wardens and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges of this Jurisdiction
Subject: Disseminating the Details of the Scholarship Grant from ‘Luis Co Chi Kiat Foundation Inc.’ and Appointing the Permanent Members of the Scholarship Committee for this Purpose

Circular No. 30 - MW Agapito S. Suan, Jr.

To: All Grand Lodge Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Jurisdiction
Subject: Clarification in the Grant of Past Master`s Apron, Past Master`s Certificate, Past Master`s Ring and Past Master`s Jewel

Circular No. 31 - MW Agapito S. Suan, Jr.

To: All Grand Lodge Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Jurisdiction
Subject: Circularizing the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Grand Lodge of the Philippines and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and Briquettor Association of the Philippines

Circular No. 29 - MW Agapito S. Suan, Jr.

To: All Grand Line Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, Masters, Wardens, and Officers and Members of the Subordinate Lodges of this Jurisdiction
Subject: Blood Letting Drive Part II on March 29, 2020 at the GLP

Circular No. 28 - MW Agapito S. Suan, Jr.

To: All Grand Line Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, Masters, Wardens and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges of this Jurisdiction including Members of Appendant Bodies and Masonic Clubs or Association
Subject: Prohibition from Holding Events, Meetings, Fellowships, and other Activities simultaneously with the Grand Master’s Night during Annual Communications

Circular No. 27 - MW Agapito S. Suan, Jr.

To: All Grand Lodge Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges of this Jurisdiction
Subject: Deadline for Submission of 2019 Annual Report, Lodge Reports from January to December 2019, Election Returns and Remittance of 2020 Annual Dues

Circular No. 26 - MW Agapito S. Suan, Jr.

To: All Grand Line Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, Masters, Wardens and Officers and Members of the Subordinate Lodges of this Jurisdiction
Subject: Mobilizing the ’Committee on Environment and Disaster Preparedness’ for the Management of GLP-LED Assistance to the Victims of the Taal Volcano Eruption and for other Matters.

Circular No. 25 - MW Agapito S. Suan, Jr.

To: All Grand Line Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, Master, Wardens and Officers and Members of the Subordinate Lodges of this Jurisdiction
Subject: Relief Drive for Distressed Victims of the Taal Volcano Eruption

Circular No. 24 - MW Agapito S. Suan, Jr.

To: All Grand Line Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, Masters, Wardens and Officers and Members of the Subordinate Lodges of this Jurisdiction
Subject: Blood Letting Drive on January 12, 2020 at the GLP

Circular No. 22 - MW Agapito S. Suan, Jr.

To: All Grand Line Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, Worshipful Masters, Wardens and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges
Subject: Grand Lodge Awards for MY 2019-2020

Circular No. 23 - MW Agapito S. Suan, Jr.

To: All Grand Line Officers, DDGM, DGLs, GLIs, Master, Wardens and Officers and Members of the Subordinate Lodges of this Jurisdiction
Subject: Proficiency Requirements on Elective Officers of the Lodge Prior to Installation

Circular No. 21 - MW Agapito S. Suan, Jr.

To: All Grand Lodge Officers, Elected and Appointed, All DDGMs, JGLs and DGLs, Worshipful Master, Wardens and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Grand Jurisdiction
Subject: Appointment of District Deputy Grand Masters and District Grand Lecturers to Newly Created Masonic Districts and Re-assignment of Incumbent DDGMs and DGLs pursuant to Edict No. 327 (MW Suan)

Circular No. 19-A - MW Agapito S. Suan, Jr.

To: All Grand Lodge Officers, Elected & Appointed, All DDGMs, DGLs, Worshipful Master and Wardens and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Grand Jurisdiction
Subject: New Rules and Regulations for the Capitol Masonic Temple