


Our official logo
Masonic Year 2024-2025


The ATC logo is an intricate blend or traditional symbolism and cutting-edge representation. manifesting the Grand Master’s scientific background, forward-thinking leadership, and his intention to secure the future of the Craft. The text at the top reads: Adapting to Change -a characteristic that allows an organization to thrive in an evolving environment without losing its core beliefs. The words at the bottom are the three Speculative Framework upon which the Grand Master's Theme is to be accomplished.

Central to the logo are three lines representing the three degrees of Masonry. The Outer line alludes to the entire jurisdiction, the second appears as a gear whose spurs represent the key Grand Lodge Offices, namely the Office of the Grand Master, the Office of the Grand Secretary, the Corps of Grand Lecturers. the Cable Tow Publication. the IT Committee. and the institute of Masonic Education and Studies. These six offices are set to work together in order to accomplish the current Theme (symbolized by the STAR):

                                                   “ Let there be more Men in the Light, and let there be more Light among Masons”

The third line embodies the Brethren's core belief which are the tenets, virtues, landmarks, principles, and rituals of the Craft represented by the square and the compass. G which is the symbol of the Great Architect is at the logo’s center.

The three lines merge with computer nodes, embodying modernity in harmony with Masonry’s ancient existence. The nodal connections facing eastward mirrors the Masonic tradition of seeking wisdom. Enlightenment, and serenity in the East. They all look away from the left, as the side has always been considered the weaker side of Man.

To further instill symbolic depth. the colors purple and gold are used: purple imbues wisdom and dignity while gold symbolizes excellence and abundance. The logo melds past traditions with the future. representing a progressive yet respelled homage to the Craft's heritage.

The ATC logo was created by VW Gene lllenberger. the Grand Scribe. He is a multi-awarded graphic designer and is best known for the GLP Centennial Logo.

          logo1             MW Cayanan 2        Cayanan 2



For General Use you can use this colored logo. Use this over full color black grounds or over light solid backgrounds.


As alternate options you can use these versions especially on layouts where subtlety is needed in the design for example letterheads etc. Allowed Colors to use are White, Purple or Solid Black.


1. Logo Files. You may request for the correct logo file to use by sending an email request to: [email protected]

2.  Do not change the logo colors. It should always be purple for the background and gold for other logo elements. Purple Background with white elements is also allowed. Check for the correct RGB Colors as defined.

3. Do not add other elements to the logo. Always maintain logo integrity.

4. Do not crop the logo

5. Do not rotate or change the angle of the logo

6. Do not change the fonts used on the logo.

7. Do not change the wordings in the logo.

8. Do not use the logo together with the Grand Master's seal to avoid redundancy.

9. Do not use the logo as a watermark.