Circular No. 25 - MW Rolen C. Paulino
To: All Grand Lodge Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Jurisdiction
Subject: ANCOM 2022 Raffle Ticket
Circular No. 24 - MW Rolen C. Paulino
To: All Grand Lodge Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Jurisdiction
Subject: Guidelines in the conduct of Stated Meetings, Degree Conferrals, Installation of Officers of Subordinate Lodges and Appendant Bodies, District Meetings, Multi-District Conventions, and other Masonic Meetings and Activities in the Grand Jurisdiction Beginning 01 February 2022
Circular No. 23 - MW Rolen C. Paulino
To: All Grand Lodge Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Jurisdiction
Subject: Submission of 2021 Annual Report and Election Returns and Remittance of 2022 Annual Dues
Circular No. 22 - MW Rolen C. Paulino
To: All Grand Lodge Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges and Appendant Bodies in this Jurisdiction
Subject: Suspension of Masonic Activities such as Stated Meetings, Degree Conferrals and Installation of Officers of Subordinate Lodges and Appendant Bodies in the Grand Jurisdiction Beginning 10 January 2022
Circular No. 18-C - MW Rolen C. Paulino
To: All Grand Lodge Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Jurisdiction
Subject: Postponement of the Special Communication
Circular No. 21 - MW Rolen C. Paulino
To: All Grand Lodge Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Jurisdiction
Subject: Call for Masonic Relief for Victims of Typhoon Odette
Circular No. 20 - MW Rolen C. Paulino
To: All Grand Lodge Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Jurisdiction
Subject: Guidelines on the Conduct of Installation of Subordinate Lodges and Appendant Bodies in the Grand Jurisdiction
Circular No. 18-B - MW Rolen C. Paulino
To: All Grand Line Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, Masters, Wardens and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Grand Jurisdiction
Subject: Postponement of the Special Communication
Circular No. 18-A - MW Rolen C. Paulino
To: All Grand Lodge Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Jurisdiction
Subject: Special Communication Schedule, Order of Business, and Rules of Procedure
Circular No. 18 - MW Rolen C. Paulino
To: All Grand Lodge Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Jurisdiction
Subject: Special Communication Schedule, Order of Business, and Rules of Procedure
Circular No. 19 - MW Rolen C. Paulino
To: All Grand Lodge Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Jurisdiction
Subject: Directive to Attend Lodge Administration Seminar
Circular No. 17 - MW Rolen C. Paulino
To: All Grand Lodge Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Jurisdiction
Subject: Conduct of Degree Works during Stated Meeting or Special Meeting
Circular No. 16 - MW Rolen C. Paulino
To: All Grand Line Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Jurisdiction
Subject: Convening of District Assemblies for the Special Communication on 17 December 2021
Circular No. 15 - MW Rolen C. Paulino
To: All Grand Line Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Jurisdiction
Subject: Consultations throughout the Grand Jurisdiction on Certain Proposals pertaining to the Governance of the Craft
Circular No. 14 - MW Rolen C. Paulino
To: All Grand Lodge Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges and Appendant Bodies in this Jurisdiction
Subject: Resumption of Stated Meetings, Degree Works, Election of Officers, and other Official Masonic Businesses and Events
Circular No. 6-A - MW Rolen C. Paulino
To: All Grand Line Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, Masters, Wardens and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Jurisdiction
Subject: Committee on Administration of Lodges, Charters and Returns
Circular No. 13 - MW Rolen C. Paulino
To: All Grand Lodge Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges and Appendant Bodies in this Grand Jurisdiction
Subject: Conduct of Stated Meetings, District Conventions, Multi-District Conventions, and Masonic Activities in the Grand Jurisdiction beginning 01 October 2021
Circular No. 12 - MW Rolen C. Paulino
To: All Grand Line Officers, DDGMs, DGLs,GLIs, Masters, Wardens and Officers and Members of the Subordinate Lodges in this Jurisdiction
Subject: Army Artillery Regiment (AAR), Philippines Army Bloodletting Activity
Circular No. 11 - MW Rolen C. Paulino
To: All Grand Lodge Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges and Appendant Bodies in this Jurisdiction
Subject: Conduct of Stated Meetings and Masonic Activities in the Grand Jurisdiction starting August 6, 2021
Circular No. 10 - MW Rolen C. Paulino
To: All Grand Lodge Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Jurisdiction
Subject: Conduct of District Conventions during the Existence of the COVID-19 Pandemic