Circular No. 3 - MW Ariel T. Cayanan
To: All Grand Lodge Officers, DDGMs, JGLs, DGLs, GLIs, Masters, Wardens, Officers, and Members of Subordinate Lodges in the Grand Jurisdiction
Subject: Chairmen, Vice Chairmen, and Members of Standing and Special Committees of the Grand Lodge
Circular No. 1 - MW Ariel T. Cayanan
To: All GLOs, DDGMs, DGLs, Masters, Wardens, and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Jurisdiction
Subject: Elected and Appointed Officers of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the Philippines
Circular No. 04 - MW Ariel T. Cayanan
To: All Grand Line Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, Worshipful Masters, Wardens and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges
Subject: District Turn-Over Ceremonies
Circular No. 22 - MW Don T. Ramas-Uypitching
To: All Grand Line Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, Worshipful Masters, Wardens and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges
Subject: Official Schedule of ANCOM Week (April 23-27, 2024)
Circular No. 21 - MW Don T. Ramas-Uypitching
To: All Grand Line Officers, DDGMs, DGLs. GLIs, Masters, Wardens, and Officers and Members of the Subordinate Lodges of this Jurisdiction
Subject: MW Don T. Ramas-Uypitching Grand Master’s Cup (2nd GLP Mini Olympics) & Family Day
Circular No. 20 - MW Don T. Ramas-Uypitching
To: All Grand Line Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, Worshipful Masters, Wardens, and Officers, and Members of Subordinate Lodges
Subject: Accreditation of Subordinate Lodges for the Election of Grand Lodge Officer
Circular No. 19 - MW Don T. Ramas-Uypitching
To: All Grand Lodge Officers, District Deputy Grand Masters, District Grand Lecturers and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Jurisdiction
Subject: Reiterating the Prohibition on Electioneering in the Nomination and Election of Candidates for the Position of Junior Grand Warden and Enjoining Strict Observance thereof under Pain of Disqualification and other Penalties
Circular No. 18 - MW Don T. Ramas-Uypitching
To: All Treasurers, Secretaries, and Auditors of Subordinate Lodges in this Grand Jurisdiction
Subject: Conduct of a One-Day Online Lodge Management Lecture on March 16, 2024 for Treasurers, Secretaries, and Auditors of Subordinate Lodges
Circular No. 17 - MW Don T. Ramas-Uypitching
To: All Grand Lodge Officers, District Deputy Grand Masters, District Grand Lectures and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Jurisdiction
Subject: ANCOM 2024 Raffle Tickets
Circular No. 16 - MW Don T. Ramas-Uypitching
To: All Grand Line Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, Worshipful Masters, Wardens and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges
Subject: Grand Lodge Awards for MY 2023-2024
Circular No. 15 - MW Don T. Ramas-Uypitching
To: All Grand Lodge Officers, District Deputy Grand Masters, District Grand Lecturers and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Grand Jurisdiction
Subject: Conduct of Remedial Proficiency Examinations from 15 to 31 January 2024 for Elected Lights in Subordinate Lodges
Circular No. 14 - MW Don T. Ramas-Uypitching
To: All Grand Lodge Officers, District Deputy Grand Master, District Grand Lecturers and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Grand Jurisdiction
Subject: Guidelines for Over-the-Counter Payments to the Grand Lodge of the Philippines
Circular No. 13 - MW Don T. Ramas-Uypitching
To: All Grand Lodge Officers, District Deputy Grand Masters, District Grand Lecturer and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Grand Jurisdiction
Subject: Conduct of Proficiency Examinations in December 2023 and January 2024 for Elected Lights in Subordinate Lodges
Circular No. 12 - MW Don T. Ramas-Uypitching
To: All Grand Lodge Officers, District Deputy Grand Masters, District Grand Lecturers and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Grand Jurisdiction
Subject: Fines and Penalties Under the Anti-Hazing Law of 2018 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations and Strict Application of Edict No. 328
Circular No. 11 - MW Don T. Ramas-Uypitching
To: All Grand Lodge Officers, District Deputy Grand Masters, District Grand Lecturers and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges and Officers and Members of Masonic Clubs and Associations in this Grand Jurisdiction
Subject: Cancellation of Accreditation of Travellers Tambayan International and Injunction on Membership with any Masonic Club with the Name and Style of “Travellers Tambayan”
Circular No. 10 - MW Don T. Ramas-Uypitching
To: All Grand Lodge Officers, District Deputy Grand Masters, District Grand Lecturers and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Grand Jurisdiction
Subject: Mapping of Subordinate Lodge Locations and Appraisal of Membership Composition
Circular No. 9 - MW Don T. Ramas-Uypitching
To: All Grand Lodge Officers, District Deputy Grand Masters, District Grand Lecturers and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Grand Jurisdiction
Subject: Re-imposition of Masonic Rules declared suspended due to the National Health Emergency
Circular No. 8 - MW Don T. Ramas-Uypitching
To: All Grand Lodge Officers, District Deputy Grand Masters, District Grand Lecturers and Officers, and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Grand Jurisdiction
Subject: Reiteration of the Prohibitions and Penalties for Violation of Edict No. 328 (Consolidated Rules and Instructions in the Admission and Treatment of Petitioners and in the Conferral of the Three Degrees of Masonry, Providing Disciplinary Sanctions and Penalties, and For Related Matters) and other Established Protocols
Circular No. 7 - MW Don T. Ramas-Uypitching
To: All Grand Line Officers, DDGMs, DGLs, GLIs, Masters, Wardens and Officers and Members of Subordinate Lodges in this Grand Jurisdiction
Subject: Schedule of the Multi-District Conventions
Circular No. 6 - MW Don T. Ramas-Uypitching
To: All GLOs, DDGMs, JGLs, DGLs, Masters, Wardens and Members of Subordinate Lodges and Masonic Coordinating Council, Appendant and Allied Bodies
Subject: Blood Letting Activities