Edict No. 74

Amending Edict No. 56 and 59

MW Teodoro V. Kalaw, Jr.,

Edict No. 73

Creating a Standing Committee on Honors, Awards, and Citations and defining its studies

MW Teodoro V. Kalaw, Jr.,

Edict No. 72

Creating the position of Administrative Assistant to the Grand Master and Providing for his duties

MW Teodoro V. Kalaw, Jr.,

Edict No. 71

Appointing three PGMs to administer the Grand Lodge Trust Fund

MW John O. Wallace,

Edict No. 70

Defining what is included within the phrase “rules and regulations” as used in the rituals

MW John O. Wallace,

Edict No. 69

Prohibiting the recording or reproduction on tapes etc. of the coded of the ritual

MW John O. Wallace,

Edict No. 68

Appointing three PGMs to administer the trust funds of the Grand Lodge

MW John O. Wallace,

Edict No. 67

Providing for the duties of the Junior Grand Lecturer.

MW Ruperto S. Demonteverde, Sr. ,

Edict No. 66

Providing that the conferral of degrees be made only by the members of the lodge where the Petition was submitted. This edict was disapproved by the Grand Lodge

MW William C. Councell,

Edict No. 65

Newly Raised Master Mason and their Relationship to the York and Scottish Rite Bodies

MW William C. Councell,

Edict No. 64

Disaster and Flood Relief Fund

MW William C. Councell,

Edict No. 63

No Lodge in arrears for monies due to the Grand Lodge shall be permitted to hold such election, nor shall any of its members be eligible to hold office

MW William C. Councell,