Edict No. 166

Establishing the Hiram Award

MW Rizal D. Aportadera,

Edict No. 170

On District/Lodge Publications/Newsletters

MW Pablo C. Ko, Jr.,

Edict No. 165

Defining the Specific Duties of the Lodge Auditor

MW Rizal D. Aportadera,

Edict No. 164

Basic Materials Required to be Supplied upon the Raising of a Brother

MW Rizal D. Aportadera,

Edict No. 163

Directing Invocations or prayers to be non-sectarian in Character

MW Rizal D. Aportadera,

Edict No. 162

Proclaiming the Annual Observance of Widows and Orphans Day

MW Rizal D. Aportadera,

Edict No. 161

An Edict Repealing Edict No. 151

MW Rizal D. Aportadera,

Edict No. 160

Providing for the reading of the provisions on electioneering to be read during the stated meeting of December, January and February

MW Rizal D. Aportadera,

Edict No. 159

Transferring Bontoc Lodge No. 140 to the Jurisdiction of Masonic District No. 2-A from District No. 5

MW Rizal D. Aportadera,

Edict No. 158

Amending Edict No. 88 and Creating Additional Positions of Junior Grand Lecturers

MW Rizal D. Aportadera,

Edict No. 157

An Act Amending Certain Provisions of Edict No. 60

MW Agustin V. Mateo,

Edict No. 156

Grand Lodge Active Participation in the Celebration of Rizal Day (December 30) at the Luneta and Bonifacio Day (November 30) at the Liwasang Bonifacio in the City of Manila

MW Agustin V. Mateo,