Edict No. 233-J

Restoring Certain Brethren to Membership in the Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of the Philippines

MW Santiago T. Gabionza, Jr.,

Edict No. 254

Appropriately Commemorating the Centennial Term by Recognizing the Centennial Grand Lodge Leadership Team

MW Santiago T. Gabionza, Jr.,

Edict No. 252

Confer and award the rank and title of Honorary Deputy Grand Master of Masons in the Jurisdiction of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Philippines with the righ and honor to be Addressed Right Worshipful

MW Juanito P. Abergas,

Edict No. 253

Exemption from Pre-Audit Procedures

MW Santiago T. Gabionza, Jr.,

Edict No. 251

To Amend the Ritual of Closing of the Lodge in any degree

MW Juanito P. Abergas,

Edict No. 247-A

To Constitute the Special Committee on Construction, Rehabilitation, Betterments, Improvements and Revenue Management (CCRBIRM) as concurrently the Grand Lodge Standing Committee on Masonic Temples and Buildings

MW Juanito P. Abergas,

Edict No. 249

Adopting a ritual for the opening and closing of the MW Grand Lodge of F. & A. M. of the Philippines

MW Juanito P. Abergas,

Edict No. 250

Declaring Philippine Tiok Lim Grand Masons as a Clandestine body

MW Juanito P. Abergas,

Edict No. 232-E

Declaring a member of Tagaytay Lodge No. 165, F & A. M as A Clandestine Mason

MW Juanito P. Abergas,

Edict No. 248

To increase the Degree fee and Petition to Form a New Lodge

MW Juanito P. Abergas,

Edict No. 247

Establishing a Permanent Special Grand Lodge Committee to be known as the Special Committee on Construction, Rehabilitation, Betterment, Improvement & Revenue Management(CCRBIRM)

MW Juanito P. Abergas,

Edict No. 82-D

Further Strengthening and Institutionalizing Masonic Mediation and Conciliation by requiring the conduct of such Labors before the Commencement of Masonic Trial except in the Exercise of the Powers and Prerogatives by the Grand Lodge and the Grand Master to ensure proper and Careful Supervision to the Craft

MW Avelino I. Razon, Jr.,