Edict No. 364
Official Policy Statement on Religion, Reiteration Masonic Duty to Exercise and Exemplify Understanding and Respect on Matters Pertaining to Religious Faith; and Providing Penalties for the Neglect of such Duty.
MW Don T. Ramas-Uypitching,
Edict No. 255-B
Amending the Rules on Fund-Raising Activities and for other Purposes
MW Don T. Ramas-Uypitching,
Edict No. 361
Disposition of Properties of Defunct or Arrested Regular Lodges and Properties of Lodges under Dispensation which Fail to be Constituted
MW Don T. Ramas-Uypitching,
Edict No. 362
Re-organization of the Committee on Masonic Associations and Clubs, Prescribing Documentary and Reportorial Requirements and for other Matters
MW Don T. Ramas-Uypitching,
Edict No. 357-A
Supplemental Rules Governing the Mandatory Compliance with Proficiency Examination in the Third Degree of Masonry
MW Don T. Ramas-Uypitching,
Edict No. 360
Revised Grand Lodge Fee for: Petitions for Degrees, Dispensation Fee to Form a New Lodge and Petition Fee for Charter Signers to Form A New Lodge
MW Don T. Ramas-Uypitching,
Edict No. 359
Prescribing the Issuance of Executive Order, in Lieu of Edict, When the MW Grand Master Exercises his Executive Power through the issuance of Rules and Regulations
MW Don T. Ramas-Uypitching,
Edict No. 358
Amending the Provision on Qualified Voters Under Section 1, Article VI, Part 1, Constitution to Exclude All Appointive Grand Line Officers as Voting Members in the Election of All Elective Positions in the Grand Lodge
MW Don T. Ramas-Uypitching,
Edict No. 357
Ensuring Compliance with Masonic Proficiency Requirements of Newly-Raised Brethren in Subordinates Lodges
MW Don T. Ramas-Uypitching,
Edict No. 356
Amending the Mission and Purpose of the Masonic Charities for Crippled Children, Inc. (MCCCI), Discontinuing the Annual Masonic Contribution thereto and Transferring or Re-aligning the same to the Committee on Charity
MW Johnny T. Pimentel,