Zambales Lodge No. 103
The Name
This lodge is named after the province where it is situated. Zambales comes from the Malay word "Zamba," which means "to worship."
The Lodge
In 1925 several Masons residing at or near Iba, Zambales submitted a petition to the Grand Lodge praying for a dispensation that would authorize them to form a lodge in Iba to be named Zambales Lodge. All the requirements were met, except that the lodge at San Antonio (Pinatubo Lodge No. 52) failed to make a recommendation. After waiting for more than a year for Pinatubo Lodge to act, the petitioners filed a new petition and took the matter up with Grand Master Francisco A. Delgado. In the interest of justice Grand Master Delgado issued a dispensation on December 10, 1926 and named the following as the dispensation officers: Tirso Coronel, Worshipful Master; Tirso Coronado, Senior Warden and Esteban Q. Amon, Junior Warden. The following month, January 1927, Zambales Lodge No. 103 was granted a charter by the Grand Lodge.
On April 2, 1927, at 8:00 pm, Grand Master Joseph H. Schmidt, with the assistance of John G. Gordon, Jose Campos Rueda, Buenaventura N. Adriano and other Masonic dignitaries, opened a Special Communication of the Grand Lodge at the Iba High School Building in Iba, Zambales where Zambales Lodge No. 103 was duly constituted and its officers installed.
Location: Iba, Zambales