Victory Lodge No. 116
The Name
This was the first lodge organized after the end of World War II and was so named to commemorate the victory of the allied forces in the war.
The Lodge
Shortly after the restoration of peace in Tarlac province, several Masons who were residents of the towns of Camiling and San Clemente, Tarlac, agreed to establish a lodge in Camiling. They were all members of Isagani Lodge No. 96 and they found it too difficult to attend the meetings of their lodge which was located in Tarlac, Tarlac, some thirty five kilometers away. In those days, travel was by calesa and it usually took the brethren one whole afternoon just to negotiate the distance between Camiling and Tarlac.
In 1946, the brethren organized Victory Lodge in accordance with the constitutional requirements of the Grand Lodge. They performed their labors to the satisfaction of the Grand Lodge and submitted reports regularly. During the annual communication of the Grand Lodge held in January 1947 the members petitioned for the issuance of a charter. The Committee on Charters made a favorable recommendation, and on January 29, 1947 the Grand Lodge granted a charter to the lodge.
On March 22, 1947, Grand Master Emilio P. Virata, assisted by several Masonic dignitaries, opened a Special Communication of the Grand Lodge in Camiling, Tarlac and formally constituted Victory Lodge No. 116. After the ceremonies, the Grand Master installed the following officers of the lodge: Emigdio Zamora, Worshipful Master; Timoteo Agustin, Senior Warden; Cosme Valdez, Junior Warden; Francisco Domingo, Treasurer and Julio Laoang, Secretary. Incidentally, some of the other founding members of the lodge were: Severino Arrelano, Quirino Antonio, Vivencio Balaoing, John Banaga, Mose Clemente, Remigio Corpuz, Tan Chua, Ignacio Elipse, Esmeraldo U. Guloy and Modesto Ines.
The first meetings of the lodge were held in the residence of Alfonso Guillermo along Luna St., in Camiling. Years later, the members transferred their meeting place to the Chinese School along Luna St. just across the Camiling Municipal Hall.
In the 1960's the members decided to erect a Temple for their lodge. A lot was acquired and on June 15, 1968 the cornerstone was laid in ceremonies attended by MW Joseph Schon, MW Esteban Munarriz and other Masonic dignitaries. Work on the Temple, however, did not commence immediately. It started only in 1970, after funds were raised and Bro. Severino Bautista had drawn the design of the Temple. The members then designated WB Rodrigo Felix to oversee the work. The construction was rushed and the Temple was finished in time for the installation of the Officers and the holding of the District Convention on March 15, 1971 during which Victory Lodge was the host lodge. On that day Grand Master Edgar L. Shepley inaugurated the Temple. Dignitaries from the Grand Lodge came and the members of the lodges composing the district were in full attendance.
The lodge has so far produced two District Deputy Grand Masters, Perfecto D. Corpuz and Primitivo C. Beltran.
Location: Camiling, Tarlac