The idea of forming a new lodge in the Province of Pampanga was conceived in 2008 by three KAPAMPANGAN Brethren, namely; VW Ernesto S. Dumas, PDDGM (Past Master of Pampanga Masonic Lodge No. 48), VW ALFRITO D. MAH, PDDGM (Past Master of Leonard Wood Lodge No. 105), and VW Peter Alexander S. Uy, PDDGM (Past Master of Jose Abad Santos Memorial Lodge No. 333). VW Ernesto S. Dumas formally started the initiative during the regular stated meeting of PML No. 48 on October 18, 2008 when he moved that his mother lodge sponsor the creation of a new lodge in the district, and seconded by VW Amado SADSAD. VW ALFRITO D. MAH solicited the support of his brethren at LWL::105 the initiative of PML No.48. WB CEFIRENO L. Jimenez signified the intention of their lodge to co-sponsor the new lodge together with PML no. 48. VW Peter Alexander S. Uy, also encourage his brothers at JASML::333 to heed the call of two other lodges. Master Masons in Good Standing in the three (3) Lodges of MD RIII-A Pampanga signed the Charter Membership for the new lodge. In succeeding meetings, the following were established: Lodge will be named TIBURCIO HILARIO Memorial Lodge (named after TIBURCIO HILARIO, Brain of the Revolution in Pampanga, a member of Logia MAJESTAD No. 155 in BACOLOR, Pampanga) and The new lodge will temporarily hold its meeting at the Pampanga Masonic Lodge No. 48 and the Stated Meeting every 4th Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM. The Lodge was instituted on July 23, 2009 and constituted and given its number 394 on June 23, 2010.
The seal of the lodge is circular in shape with a triangle in the center. The whole device surrounded by the words “TIBURCIO HILARIO Memorial Lodge No. 394 F. & A.M. BACOLOR, Pampanga” outside of which a border consisting of an endless rope.” Other features are: Massy cloud with flat base and five (5) rounded outlines piled up like a mountain. This represent the candidates who have been entered, passed and raised at TIBURCIO HILARIO Memorial Lodge, namely Bro. Miguel M. Guzman, Bro. CRISCENTE C. TIGUELO, Bro. Ricardo S. ZAPANTA Jr., Bro. Elmo H. OCAMPO and Bro. EDILBERTO R. Santos Jr. Square and Compass with the letter G which are the principal symbols in every country and which indicate the university of freemasonry. Triangle – a three sided polygon which has three sides and three (3) angles. For speculative masons, the strength and ability of the triangle united with the life lessons of the plumbs, level and square reminds us of our several duties and obligations to our God, brethren and ourselves. Roman numeral “XLIII” representing the 43 Master Masons who worked hand-in-hand in creating this new lodge. The year “2010” representing the year a charter was granted to TIBURCIO HILARIO Memorial Lodge No. 394.
On May 18, 2013, the lodge held its cornerstone laying with MW JUANITO G. ESPINO, Grand Master. Upon completion of the construction of its temple, a Lodge of Dedication was held on February 8, 2016 with MW Tomas RENTOY III.