TM Kalaw Memorial Lodge No. 136
The Name
This lodge was named in honor of Teodoro M. Kalaw, Grand Master in 1928, and a well known Masonic scholar, historian and writer. Its first master, Teodoro V. Kalaw, Jr., became Grand Master in 1975.
The Lodge
Teodoro M. Kalaw Memorial Lodge No. 136, was constituted in San Juan, Rizal as a chartered lodge on July 4, 1953 by Grand Master Sydney M. Austin. Its organization was realized through the sweat and toil of those active and devoted brethren who conceived the idea of establishing a lodge in San Juan Rizal. These Masons took it upon themselves to shoulder the responsibility of selling the idea to other brethren. They convinced members of Silanganan Lodge No. 19, Labong Lodge No. 59, Muog Lodge No. 89, Marikina Lodge No. 119, Quezon City Lodge No. 122, and brethren from other lodges in Manila, to sign as charter members and give their active cooperation and support.
The petition for dispensation to open a new lodge was presented to Grand Master Sidney M. Austin, and on April 12, 1952, he gave the needed authority. The honor of being named as the first Worshipful Master of the lodge was given to Teodoro V. Kalaw, Jr. a worthy son of his great father. Named as the first Senior Warden and Junior Warden were WB Eulogio G. Galang and WB Anacleto 0. Marcos, respectively.
The members of this lodge owe an eternal debt of gratitude to that great lady, Dona PuraVillanueva-Kalaw, the wife of MW Kalaw Sr., for her generosity and kindness in giving her wholehearted support to the establishment of the lodge. She gave the members free use of the building that came to be known as the Teodoro M. Kalaw Memorial Hall, and donated a complete set of paraphernalia and other equipment to supplement the contribution of the brethren.
When the lodge was constituted, Grand Master Sydney M. Austin commended it saying it was the only lodge under Philippine jurisdiction which was fully equipped at the time of its constitution.
In 1959, with every brother contributing his "mite," the building was remolded, transformed and enlarged into a regular Masonic building with the lodge hall on the second floor and social hall on the ground floor. The lodge has seen colorful days, with every Master steering it faithfully and efficiently with the undivided cooperation of its members.
From its roster of membership, five worthy brothers have occupied the Grand Oriental Chair - Mauro M. Baradi, Antonio Gonzalez, Teodoro V. Kalaw, JR., Esteban Munarriz and Manuel Crudo, Sr., Past Grand Secretary Domingo FM Domingo, was also a member of the lodge.
The lodge has passed through a series of ups and downs, but the brethren have never been discouraged by the misfortunes. They did not hesitate to unite and rise again. The organization of Kalaw Chapter No. 9, Order of the Eastern Star, has helped Teodoro M. Kalaw Memorial Lodge No. 136, F. & A.M. tremendously in making the influence of Masonry felt in the community.
In 1996, during the stewardship of WB Benjamin Formoso, Senator Eva Estrada Kalaw, per the wish of the late PGM Teodoro V. Kalaw, Jr., donated the lot and building of the T.M. Kalaw Lodge to the Grand Lodge.
The lodge has involved itself lately in the activities of the Grand Lodge and of District 9. In 1987, it produced the first videotape on the "History of Masonry" in the Philippines. It was scripted by VW Maximiano Tuason and directed by WB Manuel Rivera. In 1989, under the leadership of WB Carlo Magno, the lodge co-hosted the "most attended and the most successful" District Convention in the history of District 9 according to Grand Master Raymundo N. Beltran.
A few years back, the lodge had to abandon its building which was in a dilapidated condition and transfer its meeting place to the Capitol Masonic Corporation building in Quezon City.
Among the present leaders of the lodge are Jaime Camino, Manuel Crudo, jr., Elpidio Macalma, Eulalio B. Lorenzo, Rogelio T. Torrices, Joenilo 0. Sulpico, Romeo C. Manalaysay, Artemio C. Cacal, and Alberto Burdeos.
Location: Quezon City