On April 11, 2005, during the birthday celebration of VW CARLITO B. Faustino, PDDGM, at GURRERROS Beach, Bro BARRETTO, OLONGAPO City, the formation of the new Masonic Lodge inside Subic Bay Freeport Zone to be named SUBIC BAY was finalized. The following week, an election was held and the following brethren were elected: WB TOMASITO N. Angeles, PM of Unity Lodge No. 285 as WM, Bro. Rowland R. Albano, member of Agno Lodge No. 75 and a dual Member of Unity No. 285 as SW, and Bro. Florencio B. BUENTIPO, Jr. a member of San Pedro Lodge No. 292 and a dual member of Unity Lodge No. 285 as JW, On May 2,2005, VW CARLITO B. Faustino, PDDGM, together with WB TOMASITO N. Angeles, PM, and VW OPINIANO L. Jayme, Sr., PG Chaplain went to the Grand Lodge and submitted a petition to MW HERMOGENES E. EBDANE, Jr., who was then the GM of Masons in the Jurisdiction of the Philippines for dispensation to form a Masonic Lodge inside Subic Bay Freeport Zone, OLONGAPO City. On 07 July 2005, MW HERMOGENES E. EBDANE, Jr. who was then the Grand Master of Masons in the Jurisdiction of the Philippines has granted a dispensation to form a new Masonic Lodge, inside SBFZ, OLONGAPO City, empowering and authorizing us to form and open a lodge after the manner of ancient custom and not otherwise. The said dispensation was received by VW CARLITO B. Faustino, PDDGM on 14 July 2005. On 19 July 2005, VW CARLITO B. Faustino, PDDGM of MD RIII-C (now MD RIII-ZAMBALES) wrote a letter to MW HERMOGENES E. EBDANE, Jr. who was then the Grand Master of Masons in the Jurisdiction of the Philippines, requesting his good office to schedule, at his convenient time, the institution of the SUBIC BAY LODGE U.D. On 27 August 2005, MW HERMOGENES E. EBDANE, Jr. has scheduled the institution of the SUBIC BAY LODGE U.D. at Unity Masonic Temple inside SBFZ. However, due to his hectic schedule, he sent his representative, VW JUANITO B. VAÑO, who was then the SGL of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines to institute the Subic Bay Lodge U.D. The said historical event was attended by several brethren coming from Manila, Bataan and ZAMBALES. Upon complying with the requirements of Part II, Ordinances, Article I, Section 3 to 5 of the 1994 constitutions updated 2005, the Committee on Administration of Lodges, Returns and Charters recommended that SUBIC BAY LODGE U.D. be issued a charter with its numeric designation which was approved during 91st ANCOM in Clark, Pampanga dated 26-29 April 2007, MW Jaime Y. Gonzales, who was then the Grand Master, has constituted the SUBIC BAY LODGE NO>361 at Unity Masonic Temple inside Subic Bay Freeport Zone and it was attended by Brother Masons from ZAMBALES, Bataan and Manila.
The name “Subic” has evolved over the history of Subic Bay, influenced by the varied populations that have governed the area. It was derived from the native word “HUBEK”, which means “head of a plow”. That name has persisted, although the spelling and PRONOUNCIATION have changed over the ages-as Spanish colonist interpreted at as “SUBIQ”, followed by early American influence changing it to “SUBIQ” and finally, its modern pronunciation “Subic”. The history of Subic Bay reflects many centuries of war and turbulence. The Bay has strategic significance as a protected deep-water harbor and that has caused it to become a focus of maritime conflict for hundreds of years. Prior to becoming a major center for tourism, scuba diving and an commercial tax-haven, the bay was occupied by Spanish, Japanese and American forces and played a pivotal role in both the Spanish- American War and World War 2. During the construction of the Unity Masonic Temple inside SBFZ in November 2004, VW CARLITO B. Faustino, PDDGM of MD No. 27, now MD RIII-ZAMBALES, VW OPINIANO L. Jayme, Sr., PG Chaplain, now PDDGM of MD RIII-ZAMBALES, WB TOMASITO N. Angeles, PM of Unity Lodge No. 285 and WB Manuel A. Leander, PM of MALOLOS Lodge No. 46 and a dual Member of ZAMBALES Lodge No. 103 were talking about forming a new lodge inside Subic Bay Freeport Zone to cater all SBMA employees who want to be a member of our fraternity. Many names were suggested, one of which is Subic Bay as suggested by WB Manuel A. Leander PM According to him, Subic Bay is a very well known place in the world because in this place, the largest US Naval Base in the Asia Pacific Region was located. Then, it was unanimously approved that the new Masonic Lodge to be formed inside SBFZ shall be named SUBIC BAY. Subic Bay has strategic significance as a protected deep-water harbor and that has caused it to become a focus of maritime conflict of 100 years. Sky blue stands for sea water of Subic Bay A home, of former American Naval Base, and now a promising port to be developed and one of the biggest ship building facilities in Asia.