On the 3rd week of August 2005, the brethren from MALOLOS Lodge, Marcelo H. Del PILAR Lodge in MEYCAUAYAN met to finalize their plan to set up a lodge in the town of BOCAUE as an answer to the request of several brethren in the area as a measure of spreading craft. This endeavor spearheaded mostly by brethren of MALOLOS lodge resulted in organizing a new lodge, several names surfaced and eventually St. John the Baptist was chosen with the first Master coming from the town of BOCAAUE with full dedication to the fraternity be selected. On the following Months, preparations went on for the constructions and completion of temporary lodge in BARANGAY BUNLO, in the town of BOCAUE with VW EDGARDO A. Martinez as the selected master. On November 16,2005 a dispensation was requested and subsequently issued by the Grand Master for the formation of a new Lodge at BOCAUE, in the province of BULACAN, by the name of ST. JOHN BAPTIST MASONIC LODGE, A.&A.M. was instituted by a team from Grand Lodge at MALOLOS LODGE NO. 46, F. & A.M. with the ff. appointed officers: VW EDGARDO A. Martinez-WB BILIARDOH. Del Rosario-SW, and Bro. Edmund Ma. Coronel -JW. On June 1, 2007 the Lodge was constituted and followed by installation of its officers for the year 2007. The constitution was presided by MW Jaime Y. Gonzales at the hall of ST, JOHN THE BAPTIST MASONIC LODGE, NO.362, F. & A.M. with its officers: VW EDGARDO A. Martinez-WM, Bro. Edmund Ma. CORONEL-SW, and Bro. Ferdinand LIMCANGCO - JW.
The meaning of our seal: The white flag with a red cross is the flag of St. John the Baptist as the forerunner of Jesus Christ the Messiah. White stands for the purity of intentions of both St. John and Jesus Christ. Likewise we Masons are expected to have pure and noble intentions to join fraternity. The cross stands for the blood of Christ and the way He died to save all mankind. Likewise we Masons are expected to help and SACRIFIES in aid of our distress brothers and do charity to mankind. The lamb standing on the Holy Bible is symbol of the Triumphant Christ over all trials and tribulations. We too as masons if we follow the teachings of our brotherhood will always triumph against all trials and evils. The Holy Bible stands for the truth which is one of the Tenets of our fraternity