The idea to organize a new Masonic Lodge came into light in the afternoon of July 6, 2008, when three Master Masons who were also Advisors to a DEMOLAY Chapter, discussed among themselves some issues and problems that were affecting lodge membership of the Lodges belonging to the Masonic District. Some of the issues they discussed were the “HAKOT system” of candidates, wherein a brother recommends a petitioner to be a member without giving it much thought, the high cost of becoming a master mason wherein the candidates spend and render and services in excess for fellowship and orientation, the non-observance of proper demeanor and decorum during meetings and conferrals, the politicizing of the craft which constituted a violation to our Obligations, Landmarks, Masonic Law Book, and general regulations of freemasonry, among others. As they continued to have a serious discussion, they agreed to envision and present a change through organizing a new Lodge based on the concept of teaching new members to the true meaning of freemasonry as mandated in the Obligations, Landmarks, Masonic Law Book and General Regulations. This concept shall be the Mission and Vision of this new lodge, with the guiding motto-“He who joins or enters this lodge will leave behind him all his worldly possessions, titles, and status; and for laboring on the level. He will be recognized and henceforth be duly introduced, a plain brother to all, and for all seasons.” After that initial meeting, other DEMOLAY-Masons showed support in forming the lodge, thus the submission of a request for dispensation to form a new lodge was made in February 19, 2009. Despite mockery, resistance and ridicule from other masons, the group continued with desire and received on September 15, 2009 from the Most Worshipful Peter U. Lim Lo SUY granting the lodge dispensation, thereby empowering and authorizing the lodge to admit membership according to ancient customs.
The Lodge was named in order to give due honor and respect to the seven cardinal virtues of a DEMOLAY which re Filial Love, Reverence for Sacred Things, Courtesy, Comradeship, Fidelity, Cleanness, and Patriotism. The seal of the lodge is circular in outline. In the circumferential space around the circle are the words SEVEN CARDINAL VIRTUES LODGE NO. 390 CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY. Between the words SEVEN and CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY is a small blue dot. Between the words City and the No. 390 is a small blue dot. Inside the circle below the circumferential line on the upper portion are seven burning candles emblematic of the seven cardinal virtues of DEMOLAY. In the center of the circle is the square and compass with the letter G inside the space made by the square and compass with a shade of blue. Underneath the emblem are the words in white color FILIAL love, Reverence for Sacred Things, Courtesy, Comradeship, FIDILITY, Cleanness, and Patriotism. The color inside the circle is crimson red made famous by the Knights TEMPLARS.
The Lodge is most known for living-up to its Mission and Vision of carrying-out and teaching the true meaning of Masonry according to the Masonic Obligations, Ancient Landmarks, Masonic Law Book and General Regulations.