Sta. Rosa Lodge No. 297
The Name
Named after Sta. Rosa, a town in Nueva Ecija where the lodge is located.
The Lodge
On January 15, 1992, Grand Master Jose Reyes Guerrero, upon the recommendation of DDGM Joselito Villarosa, Kapatiran Lodge and Zaragoza Lodge, issued a dispensation to fifty Master Masons in good standing authorizing them to congregate as a lodge in Sta Rosa, Nueva Ecija. Among the organizers of the lodge were Jorge Roque, Adolfo Agsalda, Wilfredo C. Ang, Oscar Angele, Raul Bacalzo, Rodolfo Yu, Elpidio Escobar, Deogracias Rivera and Dominador S. Jardiel. In the dispensation MW Guerrero designated the following as the first officers of the new lodge: Juanito L. Bernardo, Master; Rogelio M. Esteban, Senior Warden: and Edgardo C. Cipriano, Junior Warden.
During the annual communication of the Grand Lodge held the following April, the lodge was granted a charter and assigned number 297.
On August 1, 1992, the new Grand Master, Agustin V. Mateo, opened a Special Communication of the Grand Lodge at the Sta. Rosa Central School in Sta. Rosa, Nueva Ecija and proceeded to constitute the new lodge with the assistance of VW Jose O. Lustre, RW Danilo D. Angeles, VW Ruben Azarcon, Teodoro G.Mendoza, VW Ernesto Malapaya, Josefino Manayao, Hermenegildo Gines and others. After the constitution ceremonies, Junior Grand Warden Danilo D. Angeles with Rodolfo C. Beltran as Master of Ceremonies, installed the officers of the lodge using the Tagalog version of the ritual. A program followed with Rev. Fr. Danilo C. Cipriano as guest speaker. Fr. Cipriano informed his listeners that it was his maternal grandfather, Juan O. Chioco, the former Governor of Nueva Ecija and a Mason, who influenced him in his becoming a priest and that if priests are ever allowed to join Masonry, he would be the first to apply for admission.
The members of Sta. Rosa Lodge set the construction of a Temple as their first priority. It took some time but on December 9, 1995 they had the pleasure of having Grand Master Danilo D. Angeles preside over the cornerstone laying of their Masonic Temple at Sta. Rosa, Nueva Ecija. Some two years ago the Temple was completed. VW Roque claims it is the best in Nueva Ecija.
Location : Sta. Rosa, Nueva Ecija