San Pedro Lodge No. 292
The Name
Named after the burgeoning industrial town south of Metropolitan Manila where the lodge is located. San Pedro is the local word for Saint Peter, the faithful servant of Jesus and first pope of the Christian world.
The Lodge
Grand Master John L. Choa issued a dispensation to 44 brethren on January 28, 1991, authorizing them to form and open a new lodge at San Pedro, Laguna. In the dispensation he appointed Perfecto L. Alibadbad to be the first Master, Wilfredo B. Martinez, to be the first Senior Warden, and Primo V. Rivera, to be the first Junior Warden, of the new lodge. The nearest lodge, Dr. Jose P. Rizal
(Calamba) Lodge No.270, favorably recommended the organization of the lodge and the DDGM, VW Rodolfo R. Soriano, certified to the proficiency of thedispensation officers in the opening and lectures of the three degrees.
At the annual communication of the Grand Lodge held in Bacolod City in April 1991, the Committee on Charters recommended that the lodge be granted a charter. The Committee reported that the lodge, in the few months that it was able to operate, held two regular and two special meetings and had initiated two candidates and passed one. Moreover, it accepted 14 new members by affiliation and its finances were sound. The Grand Lodge granted the lodge a charter and assigned to it number 292.
On June 19, 1991, a Special Communication of the Grand Lodge was held at the Casa Hacienda Restaurant Roof Top Hall on Mabini Street in San Pedro, Laguna for the purpose of constituting San Pedro Lodge No. 292. Immediately thereafter the officers of the new lodge were installed.
The ceremony of constitution was presided over by Grand Master Jose Reyes Guerrero, assisted by Deputy Grand Master Agustin V. Mateo, Grand Secretary Rudyardo V. Bunda and Senior Grand Lecturer Fernando V. Pascua. VW Rodolfo R Soriano installed the officers with the help of WB Calvin P. Estudillo who acted as the Master of Ceremonies.
Barely over a year after its formal constitution, San Pedro Lodge raised seven Master Masons. The lodge is very active in the programs and activities of Masonic District No. 11.
On July 8, 1995 MW Danilo D. Angeles dedicated the Temple of the lodge at the Pacita Complex in San Pedro, Laguna that was secured by a land-lease with the developers of the subdivision.
Location: San Pedro, Laguna