San Mariano Lodge No. 307
The Name
This lodge was named after the town in Isabela province where it is located.
The Lodge
Forty worthy brethren from Isabela, eight of whom were active Master Masons residing in San Mariano, Isabela including the Honorable Mayor Bro. Deodoro C. Go, decided to form a new lodge in San Mariano, Isabela. Among their other companions were Felipe Salvador, Jr., Manuel Bañez, Jr., Antonio A. Ramos, Artemio D. Castro, Ayson Villador, Nilo B. Umayan, Inocencio G. Ilagan, Luciano Balisi, and Crecencio V. Maramag. Their plan was favorably endorsed by Maharlika Lodge No. 180 and the District Deputy Grand Master of Masonic District No. 23, VW Leonardo P. Chua. The DDGM was optimistic that the creation of a new lodge in the town of San Mariano, will spread the principal Masonic tenets of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth to the less-informed people of the town and other nearby municipalities.
A petition to form a new lodge, dated November 28, 1992, was sent to the Grand Lodge and on May 12, 1993 Grand Master Rizal D. Aportadera issued a dispensation to the petitioners authorizing them to congregate as a lodge. He named WB Rogelio Baysa Uy, as the first Worshipful Master, Bro. Dante P. Pascua, as the first Senior Warden; and Bro. Dionisio C. Panajon, as the first Junior Warden, of the new lodge. On July 8, 1993, MW Aportadera instituted San Mariano Lodge U.D. and installed its officers at the San Mariano Community Center.
San Mariano Lodge was granted a charter by the Grand Lodge during the annual communication held in April 1994 and was assigned number 307. On July 7, 1994, it was constituted in ceremonies presided over by Grand Master Pablo C.Ko, Jr. Immediately thereafter VW Oscar V. Bunyi installed the officers of the lodge with the help of VW Fernando F. Mariano who acted as Master of Ceremonies. The first three officers installed were: Bro. Dionisio C. Panajon, Worshipful Master; Bro. Luciano M. Balisi, Senior Warden; and, Bro. Deodoro C. Go, Junior Warden.
Location: San Mariano, Isabela