The idea forming a lodge in San Leonardo, Nueva ECIJA is the brainchild of thirteen (13) master masons from different lodges but who originated from this town. The group opened that it is high time for them to initiate the formation of a Masonic lodge in San Leonardo. On June 15, 2008, the said group decided to meet to discuss the groundwork for this initiative. The venue was in San Leonardo, Nueva ECIJA at the residence of Bro. RODANTE I. Garcia, Junior Warden of FACTORIA Lodge No. 311. Propelled by their fervent desire to bring together in unity of vision and purpose all masons from this town, they deliberated on the means towards this end, the formation of San Leonardo Lodge. Present during this momentous event were: VW Arthur F. SANTILLAN, VW CELSO G. PADERES, WB Felix C. ELVAMBUENA Jr., WB CONRADO Reyes II, WB PACIFICO MANZAN Jr., Bro Ignacio Garcia, Bro RODANTE I. Garcia, Bro. Noel R. Cartagena, Bro. Ricardo C. PADERES, Bro. Ariel PESTAÑO, Bro. PEDRITO ABERGAS, Bro. ABNER LUISITO F. SANTILLAN, and Bro. Leonardo S. Martin. Appointed interim president and interim secretary were VW Arthur F. SANTILLAN and Bro. Noel Cartagena, respectively. Several meetings ensured thereafter. One of the outputs of these meetings was the preparation of a directory of brethren who hail from San Leonardo numbering to no less than 50. Among them were: MW DANILO D. Angeles, PGM; VW RESTITUTO De Leon, PDDGM of MD R III-E BULACAN; VW CELSO G. PADERES and VW Martin CIRIACO, both PDDGM, MD R III-F, among others. The dispensation to form and open a new lodge was granted by MW PACIFICO B. ANIAG, Grand Master of Masons on the October 28, 2008. MW ANIAG appointed VW Arthur F. SANTILLAN as First Master, WB Felix C. ELVAMBUENA Jr. as first Senior Warden, and Bro Ariel P. PESTAÑO as first Junior Warden. The lodge institution was held on October 28, 2008 at FACTORIA Lodge No. 311 at PULO, San Isidro NUEVA ECIJA. In April 2009, during the Annual Communication at Cagayan De Oro, the lodge was granted its charter by MW ANIAG. The constitution ceremony was officiated by MW Peter Lim Lo SUY, Grand Master of Masons on June 24, 2009 at San Leonardo Multi-Purpose Gym, San Leonardo Nueva ECIJA.
The lodge named after the town of San Leonardo, a first class municipality in the Province of Nueva ECIJA. San Leonardo is located between GAPAN City and Santa Rosa. It is a two- to three- hour bus ride from Manila. The Lodge seal’s round shape means its endless support and enthusiasm in achieving the objectives of Freemasonry which is brotherly love, relief and truth. The farmland on top of the square and compasses serves as the area for growth of interested individuals who want to be members of the fraternity. On the other hand, the plow and the CARABAO used by the farmer in our logo represent the pioneering members and leaders of the brotherhood, who are willing to screen and to educate interested persons who want to be Master Masons. The PALAY represents the duly obligated members of Freemason, who were “harvested” during their proper education as Entered Apprentices, Fellow crafts, and Master Masons. They were thought and directed to be always on the level and lead by example. In all, the lodge seal denotes the aim of the brethren, that is, unity to all brothers making good men better.
Notable member of the lodge are MW JUANITO ABERGAS, MW JUANITO ESPINO and MW Alan M. PURISIMA. The lodge is composed of several Masonic dignitaries with outstanding achievements and commitment for the betterment of the craft.