Salinas Lodge No. 163
The Lodge
Salinas is the name of a famous salt spring located in Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya, only a few kilometers from the lodge.
Salinas salt spring is claimed to be the only known inland salt spring in the world.
The Lodge
In die early 1960’s, a group of twelve Masons thought of organizing a lodge in the town of Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya. Their dream was realized on October 11 , 1961 , when Grand Master Juan Alano granted them a dispensation to form a lodge in their town which would go by the name Salinas Lodge, UD.
The first meetings of the lodge were held in the residence of Bro. Domingo P. Ramel and within two months they were able to confer the degrees of Masonry upon four petitioners.
On April 25, 1962, during the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, the Committee on Charters made a favorable recommendation for the lodge after noting that it had already initiated 16 candidates, 10 of whom were duly passed and raised. Accordingly, the lodge was given its charter and assigned number 163. On June 2, 1962, Grand Master William H. Quasha, with the assistance of MW Esteban Munarriz, Hermogenes P. Oliveros, Guillermo Bongolan, Rufino Roque and other Masonic dignitaries, constituted Salinas Lodge No. 163 at the Town Plaza of Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya. Immediately thereafter MW Quasha installed the officers of the new lodge led by its Master, WB Joaquin Villanueva.
On June 23, 1965, Bro. and Mrs. Dominador Cabatu donated a 400 sq. m. lot to the lodge. Construction of a Temple was started during the term of WB Rodolfo Velasco and was completed a few years thereafter. In November 1981, disaster struck. Super typhoon "Aring" blew away the roof of the Temple. The members, saddened but determined, started repairs on the Temple after a "soft loan" was extended by Bro. Federico Tan. In the meantime, meetings had to be moved to the Nueva Vizcaya State Polytechnic College.
Salinas Lodge is well known for its charitable programs. It regularly gives scholarship grants to deserving students and embarks on yearly outreach activities , extending free medical and dental services to the needy.
Location: Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya