Rio Chico Lodge No. 182
The Name
The Chico River or Rio Chico (Spanish for small river) is one of the four main rivers that drain the Central Cordillera. Beginning from the towering Mt. Data (2300 meters), it flows through Tabuk and down to the valley below where it merges with the mighty Cagayan River.
The Lodge
This lodge was a dream of the brethren of the Kalinga-Apayao Engineering District Office. Nine Master Masons of the office conceptualized the establishment of a lodge in that far-away place because Salinas Lodge No. 163 in Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya, proved difficult to reach especially during inclement weather. It was also providential that Bro. Expedito Diaz, the Commanding Officer of 114th PC Company in Tabuk was a member of Lingayen Lodge No. 161, a dual member of Bontoc Lodge No. 140 and an active member of the Craft. It was therefore decided that a lodge be established right in Tabuk.
The first organizational meeting was held in January 1965. After securing the sponsorship of Bontoc Lodge No. 140, the twenty founding members petitioned the Grand Lodge for the issuance of a dispensation authorizing them to organize a lodge to be called Chico Lodge. On March 3, 1965 Grand Master Charles Mosebrook issued the dispensation. However, it was issued too close to the annual communication in April so the lodge was not granted a charter at that communication. At the next annual communication held in April 1966, the Committee of Charters recommended the grant of a charter after finding that the lodge, since its organization, had been carrying on its activities regularly in accordance with the Constitution, edicts and regulations of the Grand Lodge. Moreover, the Committee found that the lodge had initiated nine applicants, passed five of them and raised two to the 3rd degree. In the meantime, however, the members of the lodge had requested that the name of their lodge be changed to Rio Chico Lodge, so the charter that was granted designated the lodge as Rio Chico Lodge No. 182. Incidentally, the first two to be initiated in the lodge were Lorenzo Rafanan, commander of the 114th PC Company who replaced Bro. Expedito Diaz, and Angel B. Aviles, District Land Officer of the Bureau of Lands in Tabuk, two prominent figures in the locality who added prestige to the fledgling lodge.
On July 16, 1966 RW Mariano Q. Tinio, Deputy Grand Master, in representation of Grand Master Raymond E. Wilmarth, constituted the lodge. On the same day, Grand Secretary Esteban Munarriz installed WB Dimas C. Trinidad, Heraldo B. Daway and Pedro R. Falcon as Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens, respectively, in impressive ceremonies.
Recently, a majestic Masonic Temple was erected on a road leading to Tabuk, Kalinga, a joint endeavor of the brethren of Rio Chico Lodge No. 182 and Mampiya-an Lodge No. 284 on a lot donated by Bro. Antonio Soriano Orodio and supplemented by Bro. Andres Mamanteo.
Location: Tabuk, Kalinga