RADJAH INDARAPATRA LODGE No. 387 F. & A.M. is the second Masonic Lodge in MARAWI City and LANAO del Sur. In the middle part of the year 2008 a group of Master Masons from different Lodges, all residing in MARAWI City, meet and agreed to petition a new Lodge to support the other lodge, Lake LANAO Lodge No. 227 in propagating the teachings of Masonry in the area where the Fraternity is unpopular and the truth about its principles and traditions are being distorted. As a start, the Brethren of Lake LANAO Lodge No. 227 made a resolution sponsoring the creation of a new Lodge. Signed by Brethren from the Blue Lodges in MARAWI City, ILIGAN City and few from Cagayan de Oro City, the petition to form a new lodge was submitted to the Grand Lodge and sometimes in December 2008 MW PACIFICO B. ANIAG, then the Grand Master, officiated the start of the new Lodge, Under Dispensation, with VW Musa C. SARUANG PDGL, as the Worshipful Master; VW SAIDALE S. MOHAMAD PDGL as the Senior Warden and VW Sonny P. ALONTO, Sr. PDGL as the Junior Warden. It was during the annual communication 2009 in Lim Kit KAE Atrium in Cagayan de Oro City, that the charter was granted and finally on May 25,2009 MW Peter Lim Lou SUY, then the Grand Master, constituted RADJAH INDARAPATRA LODGE NO. 387.
RADJAH INDARAPATRA is the name of a Mythical hero, a leader and a fearless warrior who lived more than five centuries ago before the coming of the Muslim scholars cum traders, who introduced and brought Islam religion in the archipelago years before the coming of the Spanish conquerors. It was told that the people living in the area near the Lake cannot benefit the resources from it and its surrounding land area because of fear due to the presence of a giant named OMACA- AN who live in a small water-enclave within the Lake called TUCA - a-TIMBANGALAN, close to the place what is now called MARAWI City. Among those people were brothers RADJAH SOLAIMAN and RADJAH INDARAPATRA who were both fearless warriors and leaders of their own people. Knowing the abundance of resources that can be derived from the Lake and the land surrounding it, the brothers agreed to go to find the giant OMACA- an to kill him in order to improve the livelihood of their people. They went on different directions agreeing to attack the giant surprisingly. It was RADJAH SOLAIMAN who first met the giant and being more aggressive and stronger, did not wait for his younger brother RADJAH INDARAPATRA and fight ferociously with the giant. Not aware of the secret of the giant, RADJAH SOLAIMAN was defeated and killed by the giant. RADJAH INDARAPATRA, more cautious and wiser, upon reaching the area where the fighting occurred, realized that his brother did not wait for him and was defeated and killed by the giant. Knowing his brother to be strong and more skilled as a warrior, he persuaded the mysterious lady named BAE-a-SALINDAGAO, known to be living nearby and hiding in the BALETE tree, to tell her why RADJAH SOLAIMAN was defeated. He then learned that to defeat the giant, he must not severe any part of the giant’s body but rather keep stabbing until the giant is killed, otherwise another giant will come out of the severed part of the giant’s body which was the cause why RADJAH SOLAIMAN was defeated. As the story goes, the giant OMACA- AN, was defeated and killed by RADJAH INDARAPATRA and lead the people to live around the Lake harmoniously, thus emerged the M’RANAO, which literally mean; “People of the Lake”.