The first organizational meeting for the formation of QUINGUA Lodge was held on June 1, 2006 in Max’s Restaurant, PULILAN, BULACAN and attended by brethren from DEFFIRENT lodges namely VW Faustino C. Garcia, VW MARCELINO S. Garcia, WB Antonio C. San Luis, VW Gabriel F. CRISOSTOMO, VW Nathanael Madrid, Bro. Pedro V. De RUEDA, Bro. Jayson S. Santiago, Bro. LOVENARIO L. GABOY, VW Reynaldo M. DIONISIO, Bro. Ferdinand B. CALUZA, Bro LINO C. Reyes, and VW Nestor G. Garcia. After several meetings, completion of requirements, and submission of petition to the Grand Lodge of the Philippines led by then RW PACIFICO B. ANIAG and approved by MW Romeo A. Yu, QUINGUA Lodge was instituted on August 30, 2006 held at MALOLOS Lodge no. 46, MALOLOS City, BULACAN. The Public Ceremony of Constitution of QUINGUA lodge no. 364 was held on June 1, 2007 held also in MALOLOS Lodge no. 46 and presided by Grand Master MW Jaime Y. Gonzales. And the first installed three great lights of QUINGUA Lodge were Worshipful Master WB Antonio C. San Luis, Senior Warden VW Nathanael B. Madrid, and Junior Warden Bro. Ferdinand B. CALUZA. The Lodge is named QUINGUA which is a KAPAMPANGAN word, meaning-“SA KABILANG IBAYO”. It is also the former name of the town of PLARIDEL, BULACAN during the Philippine-American war (1899-1902). One famous brethren of QUINGUA Lodge is VW Antonio “ONY” San Luis, who is a former Light Rail Transit Authority Administrator during the administration of then President Joseph EJERCITO Estrada.
The seal of QUINGUA Lodge is composed of the Cable tow encompassing the outer circumference of the seal, QUINGUA Lodge no. 364 F. & A.M. as its complete name, the number 2007 which is the Masonic year when QUINGUA Lodge no. 364 was constituted, the square and compasses and the letter G at the center those Masonic tools, below it is the picture of Santiago APOSTOL Church which is also known as PLARIDEL Church or QUINGUA Church, and a picture of Marcelo H. Del PILAR who is a great BULACAN hero.