Pura Lodge No. 312
The Name
Named after the town of Pura in Tarlac where the lodge is located.
The Lodge
The idea of organizing a lodge in Pura was conceived in the early part of 1992 by the members of Anchor Lodge No. 159. The idea was crystallized when VW Samuel L. Guerrero formally requested the brethren of Anchor Lodge No. 159 during their stated meeting on April 11, 1992 to sponsor the establishment of Pura Lodge. The brethren responded by endorsing the idea and approving
the request.
Pura residents, such as VW Guerrero, Bro. Jeremias L. Bilaoen, WB Francisco B. Perez and Bro. Romeo P. Mateo did not have an easy time gathering the brethren who would form the nucleus of the proposed Lodge. They had to experience birth pains so to speak. Sheer determination, however, brought about the support of dedicated brethren like VW Chua Kim Uy, VW Cosmo P. Antonio, VW Crispiñano E. Lamonera, VW Antonio W. Perez, Bro. George T. Rolloda and WB Erundino M. Cajucom.
On July 12, 1993, Bro. Jerry Bilaoen, who was designated Acting Secretary of the proposed lodge, sent letters of invitation to prospective charter members for an organizational meeting on July 18, 1993.
The response was encouraging. From different places came VW Cosmo P. Antonio, VW Antonio W. Perez, WB Wilfredo Wy, WB Flor P. Domingo, Bro. Luis D. Yambot, WB A. Corpuz, Bro. Mario San Juan, Bro. Prudencio Reyna, Bro. Romeo P. Mateo, WB Francisco Perez, VW Chua Kim Uy, WB Domingo Simon and Bro. Juanito Ignacio.
The following were elected as the officers of the proposed lodge: VW Samuel L. Guerrero, Worshipful Master; Bro. Luis D. Yambot, Senior Warden; Bro. Jeremias L. Bilaoen, Junior Warden; WB Francisco Perez, Secretary; and VW Chua Kim Uy, Treasurer.
All the members were assessed P1,000.00 each to answer for the cost of preparing the petition for dispensation, following it up in Manila and for the purchase of the necessary and proper paraphernalia.
There was a little hitch when the brethren presented their papers to MW Rizal D. Aportadera. He noticed the resolution of Anchor Lodge No. 159 endorsing the new Lodge was dated April 11, 1992. He advised them to submit a more recent resolution during the December District Convention. The organizers approached Isagani Lodge No. 96 which was scheduled to meet on December 4, 1993 and they were able to convince Isagani Lodge to sponsor their lodge. Grand Master Aportadera then issued the dispensation and scheduled the institution of Pura Lodge on January 8, 1994.
The institution took place at the Clubhouse of Mayor Wilfredo Y. Sawit in Pura and was presided over by Grand Master Aportadera with the help of Senior Grand Warden Danilo D. Angeles. During the program that followed, VW Guerrero, Mayor Sawit, and the Grand Master delivered speeches.
This lodge was duly constituted as a regular lodge by MW Pablo C. Ko, Jr. in the morning of May 14, 1994 with the assistance of RW Danilo D. Angeles, RW Leon Angel Bañez, VW Jess C. Chua, VW Meinrado S. Dalisay and other Masonic dignitaries. After lunch, MW Ko installed the officers of the new lodge
Location: Pura, Tarlac