PORAC LODGE 411 was constituted on June 18, 2013 with no less than MW JUANITO G. ESPINO, JR. –a sign of relief after a long and tedious process before it finally became a regular Masonic Lodge in R-III District of PAMPANGA. Before the Lodge constitution of PORAC in 2013, it took more than three years of hardships and pain that the proponents led by (charter master) VW Rodolfo OCAMPO, past master of Jose Abad Santos Memorial Lodge No. 333 and past District Grand Lecturer of MD RIII-A; VW ELADIO DELA CRUZ as charter Sr. Warden; VW Lorenzo B. DETRAN JR. as charter, Jr. Warden with Bro. Jimenez, Secretary; WB Gregorio ‘Bong’ SISON, Treasurer. It was VW OCAMPO who had a vision of seeing a lodge, in PORAC after two lodges were established in MAGALANG and BACOLOR towns in Pampanga. He said to himself that it is high time for PORAC, one of the biggest income generating towns in Pampanga, to have its own Masonic Lodge. This was in 2010. Finally on December 2011, VW Rod made representation to MW JUANITO ESPINO, JR. during the East-West Multi-District Convention hosted by our brethren from Nueva ECIJA, informed him of the many predicaments while forming a lodge in PORAC. MW ESPINO was instrumental because without him ‘HINDI KAMI MABUBUHAYAN NG LOOB’, says VW Rod. In one of the meeting at the former Graceland Restaurant in BALIBAGO, Angeles City – despite the approval of MW SANTIAGO of the formation of PORAC LODGE, VW Rod decided to make changes in the charter officers because of the continued non-approval of brethren in forming PORAC LODGE. The PORAC LODGE UD was instituted in November 24, 2012 with no less than MW ESPINO, assisted by MW DANILO ANGELES, Grand Lodge Secretary, installed the officers of the lodge under dispensation. It was also WB NELSON NUCUP, Then Master of the Lodge JASML 333, who approved that JASML 333 will be the sponsoring lodge.
The three stars denote the three main island of LUZON, VISAYAS and MINDANAO. The all SEEING EYE always sees our fraternal work thru the guidance of the Holy Book. The PILLARS are our founding brothers giving the strength. The laurel leaf denotes wisdom and Victory. The rope denotes that we are always due bond especially among brethren.