San Juan being a strategic location makes it ideal for commerce and industry; it is also the home of many prominent citizens of our society. A considerable number of our brethren either resides or have their businesses in San Juan. However, its being in the crossroads of the metropolis has given San Juan the rather unfortunate role of being a by-way. You pass through it on the way to somewhere else. It is for this reason that for so many years no one has inclination to establish a Masonic lodge in the municipality of San Juan. Most of the brethren based in San Juan either go to Manila or to Quezon City to join or attend their lodge meetings. This situation was deemed acceptable not only because our brethren have the infinite capacity to bear minor inconveniences just to be able to fulfill their Masonic duties but because there literally was no other place to go for meeting. It was also evident that not having a Masonic Lodge based in San Juan was effectively depriving the qualified San Juan resident the opportunity to join the Craft. This was the main reason why Bro. Alexander Go of SINUKUAN Lodge No. 16, a longtime San Juan resident decided to gather the San Juan based brethren to a caucus held at Causeway Restaurant in TIMOG on November 30, 2006. He expressed on the said caucus that there was a strong clamor to form the PINAGLABANAN San Juan Square and Compass Club for the purpose of providing the brethren more concrete opportunities for bonding and fellowship in a relaxed and social setting. After several meetings and fellowships an election was called officers were elected. The PINAGLABANAN (San Juan) Square and Compass Club, true to its mission, provided an opportunity for the members of the Craft to form a stronger bond and to unite for common action. From 2006 to early 2007 it became a convenient venue for fellowship with several community and civic action projects implemented all for the benefit of San Juan residents. However, it was obvious that such a fellowship and camaraderie among the members could not be contained in and limited to a club. Somehow, the members felt that it had to be raised to the next level and contemplated on making sure Freemasonry would in one way or the other establish its roots in this historical place It was Right Worshipful Jaime Y. Gonzales who convinced & encouraged the members of the PINAGLABANAN San Juan Square and Compass Club to themselves and establish the PINAGLABANAN (San Juan) Lodge UD. After several discussions on the feasibility and sustainability of such an endeavor it was decided overwhelmingly to push through with the project. Again, acting with resolve and strong determination, Bro. Alexander Go, Bro. ELISEO DELA Paz and the elected secretary Bro. Jose Antonio Santiago, together with the elected Asst. Secretary Bro. James Walter CAPILI, drafted the necessary documents and made representations with the Grand Lodge of the Philippines for a petition for dispensation to form a new lodge. Proper communication was also made with the District Deputy Grand Master VW CELESTINO CAINGAT of Masonic District II National Capital Region F, and the endorsement from a Masonic Lodge namely, SILANGAN Lodge No. 19 under the leadership of WM JOJO ATIENZA was brought. Finally, a general assembly was called for the purpose of finalizing the draft and completing those documentary requirements at the Causeway Restaurant in TIMOG, Quezon City on February 20, 2007. With all the necessary requirements complied with and with very Enthusiastic support of the members, the application for dispensation for PINAGLABANAN (San Juan) Lodge UD was sent to the Grand lodge of the Philippines for it to be calendared for discussion at the Annual Communication 2007 at Fontana Resort, Clark, Pampanga, Philippines. On August 28, 2007, a request was made to MW Jaime Y. Gonzales to formalize and institute the lodge. On August 30, 2007, PINAGLABANAN Lodge UD was instituted with Mayor Joseph Victor G. EJERCITO of San Juan City gracing the lodge foundation day as honorable guest speaker.