Palilan Lodge No. 239
The Name
Palilan is the old name of the town of Jimenez, Misamis Occidental. The word Palilan is derived from the big Palilan River that cuts through the municipality. Palilan also comes from the word "palid," meaning to winnow, as the farmers used to winnow the chaff from the grains after they harvest their rice near the bank of the river. The word "paliran" (to winnow) was "corrupted" into Palilan after which the municipality of Jimenez was originally named.
The Lodge
This lodge is a creation of the members of Oroquieta City Lodge No. 154. On September 17, 1979, fifty-two members were issued a dispensation by Grand Master Jolly R. Bugarin to organize a lodge in Jimenez, Misamis Oriental to be named Palilan Lodge. They formally opened the lodge on November 24, 1979 and since then continued to operate regularly. By the time the annual communication of the Grand Lodge took place in April 1980 the lodge had already acted on 17 petitions for degrees, initiated eleven petitioners, passed six and raised two to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. Based on its performance, the lodge was granted a charter by the Grand Lodge on April 25, 1980 and assigned number 239.
On October 4, 1980, Grand Master Manuel D. Mandac, with the assistance of Masonic dignitaries, opened a Special Communication of the Grand Lodge in the municipality of Jimenez, Misamis Occidental, and proceeded to constitute Palilan Lodge No. 239. Immediately thereafter the following officers of the lodge were installed:
Worshipful Master - WB Alfonso C. Caylo
Senior Warden - VW Ruben Ra. Cagas, PDGL
Junior Warden - Bro. Nemesio C. Yu
Location : Jimenez, Misamis Occidental