Pagkakaisa Lodge No. 282 ( MW Roberto Q. Pagotan )
The Name
Pagkakaisa is a Tagalog word meaning unity. This lodge is a creation of several Masons whose goal is to unify the brethren residing in the southern portion of Metro Manila.
The Lodge
Plush subdivisions and villages proliferated in Paranaque, Las Pinas, Muntinlupa and other nearby Laguna towns after the development of the Manila South Road better known as the South Expressway. The economic growth of the area was further enhanced with the cementing of Calle Real connecting Alabang to Zapote which traversed several subdivisions. People who preferred to live in the outskirts of Metro Manila transferred in droves and built their houses in these areas. Included among them were many members of the Craft.
In time, the Masons in the new subdivisions held informal gatherings and started toying with the idea of forming lodges. Brethren from BF Resort and Philam Homes led by WB Danilo Tobias, Bros. Joseph Miller, Simeon Flores and Fred Delloso wanted to form a lodge. Brethren in DBP, BF Almanza, and Pilar Village led by Bros. Nelson Castillo, Delfin Cruz, John Llamas, Raul Laman also had fellowships and entertained the same idea. The brethren in BF Paranaque also formed a club in that area. Not to be outdone, the brethren living in Soldiers Hill and Mutual Homes in Muntinlupa, led by Bros. Sid Banaria,
Lini Hernando, Jun Alcovindas, Pablo Cervantes, Augusto Erebete, Abel Demetria, Pete Marquez and others also wanted their own lodge. Fired with the same ambition were brethren led by WB Ernie Evangelista, WB Vic Vera, WB Ben Padilla, Lino Dalagan, George So, James So and Ramon L. Uy.
It was fortunate that at that time VW Norbert A. San Mateo was the municipal treasurer of Muntinlupa. With the help of RW Tody Eusebio, VW San Mateo commissioned Bro. Adolfo Cardona to act as the temporary coordinator of the brethren who were trying to form a lodge. Bro. Cardona got a list from the Grand Lodge of the brethren living in that area and invited them to a meeting at the Cecille Restaurant in Las Piñas. A subsequent meeting was held in September 1987 with a bigger attendance. They elected VW Norbert "Jun" San Mateo to be the Worshipful Master of the proposed lodge and WB
Danny Tobias, Bro. Bobos Suarez, Bro. Adolfo Cardona, and Bro. James So to be the Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Secretary and Treasurer, respectively.
The site of their meetings was then transferred to Furniture Warehouse, along the Alabang-Zapote Road, owned by Bro. James So. From thereon, fellowships and Masonic intercourse were regularly held until a petition to open a lodge was completed. Finally, in December 1987, the petition was presented to Grand Master Teodorico V. Baldonado at a dinner at Jade Vine Restaurant.
After giving the organizers a dispensation to open a lodge, MW Baldonado formally instituted the lodge in January 1988 with the assistance of VW Fernando V.Pascua, Jr. and RW Tody Eusebio. Every Friday thereafter the brethren held fellowships and discussed how to improve the lodge further. Petitions for degrees were received from three candidates who were eventually raised before the lodge was constituted. The officers and members regularly attended Masonic affairs and got involved in the 75th Anniversary or Diamond Jubilee of the Grand Lodge in December 1987..Stated meetings were conducted in due and ancient form.
During the annual communication of the Grand Lodge held in Cebu City in April 1988, the Grand Lodge granted Pagkakaisa Lodge a charter and assigned number 282 to it. On June 10, Grand Master Raymundo N. Beltran, assisted by Grand Lodge officers, constituted the lodge at the Temple of Jacobo
Zobel Lodge in Makati.
Pagkakaisa Lodge No. 282 is now a strong and vibrant lodge, one of the pillars of Masonry in Metro Manila with a membership numbering in the eighties. A few of its members are Emmanuel Beltran, Lito Tabangcura, Michael Casipit, James S. de Guzman, Severino P. Estrella, Rosadel Ocbina, Robert Ocampo, and Gerardo Suztre.
Pagkakaisa Lodge No. 282 now convenes every Fourth Saturday of the month at the compound of RW Roberto Q. Pagotan along Aguilar Avenue, Pamploma, Las Piñas.
Location: Pamplona, Las Piñas City