The LAUREL is said to communicate the spirit of prophecy and poetry, and was seen as a purifying plant with powers of immortality. TODAY THE LAUREL SEEN as symbol for PEACE, and VICTORY. The laurel signifies the hopeful expectation of success in the search for the True Word. The CABLETOW is the outward and visible symbol of a vow in which a man has pledged his life, or has pledged himself to save another life at the risk. Its length are measured by the ability of the man to fulfill his obligations and his sense of the moral sanctity of his OBLIGATION- a test, that is, both of his capacity and his character. The SQUARE – Squaring our actions by the square of virtue. It is an emblem of truth and morality, so should truth and morality be the square of our actions throughout life. The COMPASSES – To circumscribe our desire and keep our passions within due bounds towards all mankind particularly our brethren in Freemasonry. Masonic teachings taught us that the most important tenets of Freemasonry are contained within the points of the extended compasses; they are Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. The Letter “G” – that in all our undertakings, we first invoke the blessing of the Great Architect of the Universe and that all our doings GOD is the center of everything all Masons do. It symbolizes the initial of the name of the Supreme Being, the mention of which, all Masons from the youngest Entered apprentice in the Northeast corner of the Lodge to the WM in the East, should with REVENCE bow. The FOUR CORNERS AND QUADRANTS of the World – NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, that Freemasonry is the oldest and most noble Fraternity since time immemorial, so should every Mason travel in foreign countries of Freemasonry and study the craft so that they may receive instruction to enable them to receive Master Mason’s wages. The three principal moral virtues of Masonry – FAITH, HOPE, CHARITY Year 2012, the Original SEAL, with the year the Lodge having the date of DISPENSATION from the Grand Master – MW JUANITO P. ABERGAS on February 2,2012 and its INSTITUTION on February 16,2012 at the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the Philippines.
The material requirements and paraphernalia of the Lodge were already procured thru the generous donations from the Charter Officers and members. The Charter Worshipful Master has donated the required FURNITURES for the three light, altar and other Paraphernalia, VW Ernesto O. Espiritu PDDGM and Bro. SILVERIO F. MONTALBO have donated by the officers and members aprons. While the officers and members of the Lodge are still looking for a permanent site for the Lodge Building, a temporary Lodge Hall has been designated inside the residential compound of Central AZUCARERA Don Pedro in LUMBANGAN, NASUGBU, BATANGAS, thru the initiative of WB Rafael A. Francisco, Bro. Leo B. Campos, who was then commissioned by the Charter Worshipful Master to prepare the building plan and perspective of the proposed NASUGBU Lodge Temple, submitted to the body the building plan during its meeting on June 4,2011, along with the creation of Lodge Seal and Logo with the particular Masonic and symbolic meanings which was approved and officially submitted to the Grand Lodge of the Philippines on September 14,2011.