Since the late MW REYNOLD S. FAJARDO, PGM, GMH, who served as Grand Secretary of the MW Grand Lodge of the Philippines for quite some time and who helped NOLI Me TANGERE Lodge No. 148 regain its old number, namely, 42 was a close friend and brother to them, principal proponents VW Francisco M. LOVERO, PM, AAGM, and VW FLOR R. Nicolas, PM, SGL, initiated the move that a Lodge under dispensation be established under the jurisdiction of Masonic District NCR-D; for, and after all, MW Rey FAJARDO was unanimously elected by the officers and members of NOLI Me TANGERE Lodge No. 42, F. & A.M. as an Honorary Past Master of their Lodge. On January 5, 2008 a resolution was then unanimously approved by the officers and members of NOLI Me TANGERE Lodge No. 42, F. & A. M. recommending the formation of Grand sec REYNOLD S. FAJARDO Memorial Lodge U.D. under NCR-D. The resolution was then passed by VW Francisco M. LOVERO to the office of the Grand Master. MW Jaime Y. Gonzales approved the formation of the proposed Lodge. Thus, Grand sec REYNOLD S. FAJARDO Lodge U.D. was instituted in solemn ceremonies held at the DEMOLAY Ceremonial Hall, Philippine DEMOLAY Youth Center, LARIDEL Masonic Temple, 1440 San MARCELINO- Street, 1000 ERMITA, Manila, on February 14, 2008 with MW Jaime Y. Gonzales, Grand Master presiding. When on February 21,2009, Appointed UD WM James A. OLAYVAR was elected and installed as Worshipful Master of his mother Lodge KAGITINGAN Lodge No. 286, F. & A.M., that same day MW PACIFICO B. ANIAG, Grand Master of Masons in the Jurisdiction of the Philippines designated the new set of officers of the GRANDSEC REYNOLD S. FAJARDO Lodge U.D. and appointed Brother Tomas G. RENTOY III, as Charter Worshipful Master, Brother Edwin M. DIOCOS, as Senior Warden and Brother Rolando A. De Castro as Junior Warden.
Lodge seal represents the symbol of a Past Grand Master and the name of the lodge in honor of PGM and Past Grand Secretary MW REYNOLD S. FAJARDO.