MW Joseph E. Schon Memorial Lodge No. 186
The Name
Earlier named San Carlos City Lodge, after the city in Negros Occidental where it is located, it was renamed in 1998 in honor of the Grand Master who played an important role in its creation. MW Joseph E. Schon was Grand Master in 1968. A Past Master of Mt. Kaladias Lodge, he was a Mason for over fifty years.
The Lodge
Grand Master Raymond E. Wilmarth issued a dispensation on December 14, 1966 authorizing twenty-fotir prominent members of the Craft to organize a new lodge in San Carlos City, the last city in the north of the scenic province of Negros Occidental. The lodge was duly organized, but the founders failed to comply with the requirements of the Grand Lodge prior to the annual communication in April 1967 so the lodge was not granted a charter.
Nonetheless, the new Grand Master, MW Mariano Q. Tinio, extended the dispensation of the lodge for another year. At the annual communication of the Grand Lodge in April 1968 the founders finally succeeded in obtaining a charter for their lodge. On June 21, 1968, Grand Master Joseph E. Schon, accompanied by MW Serafin Teves, VW Valerio Rovira, VW Ruperto Demonteverde, VW Juan Causing, WB Cayetano Palmares and other Masonic dignitaries, traveled to San Carlos City for the purpose of constituting San Carlos City Lodge No. 186. After the Constitution Ceremonies, the Grand Master requested MW Esteban Munarriz to install the officers of the new lodge. Those installed were the following: WB Genaro C. Bermejo, Worshipful Master; Diego Demaisip, Senior Warden; and Fernando Uy Buntoa, Junior Warden.
The installed Master expressed his profound gratitude to the Grand Master and the other officers of the Grand Lodge for their interest in San Carlos Lodge from the time of its organization and assured the Grand Master that its members were eager to do their share in implementing the high ideals and principles of the Fraternity.
In 1998, ten years after the death of MW Schon who was a charter member of the lodge, the members passed a resolution changing the name of their lodge from San Carlos City Lodge to MW Joseph E. Schon Memorial Lodge. Sister Helen Schon, the widow of MW Schon, thanked the brethren of the lodge for honoring her husband and then donated a lot in behalf of her husband that will be the site of the future Temple of the lodge.
Location: San Carlos City