The Name ‘Muntinlupa City’
The origin of the name ‘Muntinlupa’ was believed to have been derived during the Spanish Era from the topographical nature of the area, where the term ‘Monte’ was expanded to Muntinlupa or Mountain Land. On other accounts, the name is associated to the thin topsoil in the area, thus the term ‘Munting Lupa’ and later ‘Muntinlupa’. Once part of the Rizal province during the 1800s, Muntinlupa was one of the 17 municipalities and cities that separated during 1975 through a Presidential Decree and comprised the present-day Metro Manila. In 1995, Muntinlupa was converted into a city through the Republic Act 7926.
At present, Muntinlupa City is one of the fastest growing industrial hubs in the country. Serving as a gateway between Metro Manila and the Southern Tagalog Region, it continues to synergize environmental sustainability and commerce, contributing to the country's dream of self-sufficiency and prosperity.
Drawing from the rich history and noble aspirations of Muntinlupa, comes the humble beginnings of the one and only Masonic lodge of the city.
The Masonic Lodge
In the early January of 2007, VW Edwin P. Costes, WB Erwin R. Ocampo, VW Ferdinand V. Lagunday, VW Rommel Gabriel P. Carag, WB Noel R. Rosales, and WB Perfecto R. Luces made a visit to the office of VW Silverio R. Garing, who was then the outgoing Worshipful Master of Laong-Laan Lodge No. 185. During the meeting, the group came up with the idea of establishing Muntinlupa Square and Compass Club (MSCC). A fellowship followed on the 2nd Wednesday of that month with the purpose of gathering the Masons residing within or near Muntinlupa City. On October 2007, MSCC was formally organized, and on the following month, the 1st induction of officers of MSCC was held. Likewise, Muntinlupa Square and Compass Club Inc. was registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
The Club envisioned for a Masonic Lodge in Muntinlupa City be established. Further, the club reflected on acquiring land for the building of a Masonic Temple, where the proposed Masonic Lodge will be housed. Two adjacent lots totaling 622 square meters located at Emerald Hills, Victoria Homes, Tunasan, Muntinlupa City, were then acquired and registered with the MSSC.
During the incumbency of MW Pacifico B. Aniag in 2008, the Ceremony of Laying Foundation Stones was officiated. VW Bernardo S. Afable Jr. prepared the building plans of the Masonic Temple. Land clearing and building construction commenced through the utmost supervision of VW Lagunday. During the completion of the first portions of the building, and as the last official function of MW Aniag as Grandmaster, the building was dedicated as a Masonic Temple and officially named Muntinlupa Masonic Temple (MMT). The temple was blessed following its successful completion on November 25, 2012.
Parallel with the construction efforts is the enduring dream of the brethren to establish a lodge in Muntinlupa City. Muntinlupa City Lodge was granted dispensation on May 23, 2013, by MW Juanito G. Espino Jr. On December 28 of the same year, Muntinlupa City Lodge UD raised its first two sons, Bro. Edwin L. Dimatatac and Bro. Leonardo B. Mella. Through the glory of the Great Architect of the Universe, along with the labors of the brethren, Muntinlupa City Masonic Lodge No. 414 was constituted and chartered by MW Tomas G. Rentoy III on May 25, 2015, with VW Silverio R. Garing as the Charter Master.
At present, MCML No. 414 continues to be one of the most active lodges in the National Capital Region. The lodge has been constantly active in the Muntinlupa community and other nearby cities through its charitable efforts, partnering with various government and private institutions to bring aid and assistance, most especially to the people in need. Along with these, the lodge is steadfast in keeping the masonic harmony ever growing, and in ensuring that moral and social virtues are embraced by its brethren. Through the years, Muntinlupa City Masonic Lodge No. 414, and the brethren of Muntinlupa will be the beacon of personification of masonry in the south of Manila.