In the afternoon of 15 May 2007, a group of Freemasons met at Terrace Café in Subic International Hotel Inside Subic Bay Freeport Zone to discuss the feasibility of forming a Masonic Lodge in the town of Subic, ZAMBALES. Those present were VW CARLITO B. Faustino, PDDGM of MD RIII-C, WB Manuel D. ARCE, PM of Pinatubo Lodge No. 52, VW ARSENIO L. QUIJANO, Jr., PDGL of MD RIII-C, WB Joseph M. Lim, Jr., PM of TR YANGCO Memorial Lodge No. 351, Bro. Andrew M. PENULLAR, member of Pinatubo Lodge No. 52 Bro. Rico C. DELA Cruz and Bro. Marlon ANACLETO C. Agno, both are members of TR YANGCO Memorial Lodge No. 351. Another meeting was held at the office of VW CARLITO B. Faustino and it was finalized that a new lodge will be formed in Subic, ZAMBALES. And it was agreed upon that Mount Redondo shall be the name of the new lodge to be formed in Subic, ZAMBALES. VW CARLITO B. Faustino prepared a petition for a dispensation to form a Masonic Lodge in Subic, ZAMBALES. He talked to some brethren of MD RIII-C who, wanted to become a CHARTER MEMBERS of the said Masonic Lodge. They named the new lodge MOUNT REDONDO after the name of the mountain located in SUBIC, ZAMBALES, wherein at the foot of this mountain, HANJIN-PHILS, Inc. the biggest shipbuilding in South Korea is located which is the starting point of the development in this part of ZAMBALES. For their first set of officers they elected WB Manuel D. ARCE, PM as Worshipful Master; bro. Rico C. DELA Cruz as Senior Warden; and Bro. Marlon ANACLETO C. Agno as Junior Warden. During the formation process of the Mt. Redondo lodge there were three (3) lodges supported for its formation. They were ZAMBALES lodge No. 103, TEODORO R. YANGCO Memorial Lodge No. 351 and Subic Bay Lodge No. 361; each lodge had issued a resolution in support for the formation of the Masonic Lodge in Subic, ZAMBALES which is the MOUNT REDONDO LODGE. The petition for the issuance of a dispensation duly signed by thirty-eight (38) master masons in good standing authorizing to form a Mason Lodge in Subic, ZAMBALES was personally submitted to MW Jaime Y. Gonzales, who was then the GM of Masons in the Jurisdiction of the Philippines on July 26,2007 at 11:00 AM by VW CARLETO B. Faustino, PDDGM of MD RIII-C together with WI TOMASITO N. Angeles, PGLI and Bro. Rico C. DELA Cruz which was approved by MW Jaime Y. Gonzales, GM. However, on 7 August 2007 about 6:00 PM, MW Gonzales had called up VW Faustino and informed him that August 20,2007 was declared holiday by Pres. Gloria MACAPAGAL-AROYO and he requested that the time of the institution of the MT. REDONDO LODGE be changed from 6:00 PM to 9:00 AM. However, on 15 August 2007, the incoming WM, WB Manuel D. ARCE has backed out as WM of MT. REDONDO LODGE because he will run as BARANGAY Chairman of BARANGAY New ILALIM, OLONGAPO City in the BARANGAY election in October 2007 and he informed the brethren that he could not perform his duties as WM of MT. REDONDO LODGE. On August 16, 2007 at 12:00 PM, VW CARLITO B. Faustino, PDDGM called an emergency meeting regarding the decision of WB Manuel D. ARCE and they met at Spanish Gate Restaurant inside SBFZ, DURING, the said meeting, VW ARSENIO L. QUIJANO, Jr., PDGL was unanimously elected as WM of MT. REDONDO LODGE. On August 20, 2007, at 9:00 AM the Grand Lodge of the Philippines was opened in short form by MW Jaime Y. Gonzales, who was the Grand Master of Masons in the Jurisdiction of the Philippines for the purpose of instituting the MT. REDONDO LODGE U.D. the Unity Masonic Temple inside Subic Bay Freeport Zone. The institution of the MT. Redondo Lodge UD was attended, by a, BROTHER masons, from ZAMBALES, Bataan, Nueva ECIJA and Manila and members of the Rebecca Parish Chapter No.5, Order of Eastern Star. During the institution, the appointed officers of MT. REDONDO LODGE U.D. were read by VW Charles E. Garrett, who was the DGL of MD RIII-C, wherein VW ARSENIO L. QUIJANO, as WM, Bro. Rico S. DELA Cruz, as SW and Bro. Marlon ANACLETO C. Agno, as JW. In March 2008, VW CARLITO B. Faustino has requested MW Jayme Y. Gonzales, GM that a Charter BE granted to Mt. Redondo Lodge UD Which was approved, by MW Gonzales. However, VW CARLITO, B. Faustino, PDDGM had been advised by the Grand Lodge to elect new sets of officers of Mt. Redondo Lodge No. 372 prior to the constitution. On June 9, 2008, a special meeting was held for the purpose of electing new sets of officers in preparation for the constitution of Mt. Redondo Lodge No. 372 on June 14, 2008 at Unity Masonic Temple inside SBFZ and the following were elected as WM, Bro Rico C. DELA Cruz., as WM, Bro. Marlon ANACLETO C. Agno; as SW, Bro. Francisco A. BARRETTO; as JW. On June 14, 2008, 9:00 AM, MW PACIFICO B. ANIAG, who was then the GM of Masons in the jurisdiction of the Philippines and the Grand Lodge Officers, had constituted the Mt. Redondo Lodge No. 372. It was attended by Brother Masons from ZAMBALES, Bataan and Manila.
“Mount Redondo” is the name of a mountain in Subic, ZAMBALES wherein at the foot of this mountain, HANJIN-Philippines, Inc., the biggest shipbuilding in South Korea is located which is the starting point of the development in this part of ZAMBALES. The Mount Redondo lodge was named after Redondo Peninsula is a short mountainous peninsula extending about 15 kilometers (9 miles) to south of ZAMBALES on western Luzon in the Philippines. It is separates Subic Bay and the coasts around the Subic MRTROPOLITAN Area of Subic and OLONGAPO from South China Sea. It is known for its secluded coves, beaches and pine forested mountains. Seal significance- We just made very simple, the Black Ring represents our commitments to one another to circumscribe our desires and keep our passion within due bound towards mankind. Blue Color lettering of Mount Redondo represents the color of sky and sea. The working tools of the craftsman the Square, Compasses and the most importance of this at the center the letter G…the Supreme of all creation.