Mt. Huraw Lodge No. 98
The Name
This lodge is named after one of the most prominent mountains in Samar. Mt. Huraw, is a rugged, almost impassable peak, with trails on narrow walls, where a misstep could hurtle one hundreds of feet below to certain death on the rocks.
The Lodge
In 1925, eight Master Masons, all residents of Catbalogan, Samar, held several meetings with the object of petitioning the Grand Lodge of the Philippine Islands for a dispensation to open a lodge at Catbalogan with the name Mount Huraw Lodge. They got the dispensation from Grand Master Christian Rosenstock on June 6, 1925. Thereafter a petition for a permanent charter, signed by twelve Master Masons, then the required number, was sent to the Grand Lodge. On January 26, 1926, during the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, the charter was granted.
On June 11, 1926, Grand Master Francisco A. Delgado, with the assistance of Masonic dignitaries, opened a Special Communication of the Grand Lodge at the Samar High School Auditorium in Catbalogan, Samar for the purpose of constituting Mt. Huraw Lodge No. 98 and installing its officers.
The twelve petitioners or founding members became the first officers of Mount Huraw Lodge No. 98, namely; Paul Newman as Worshipful Master (PC Provincial Commander); Clodualdo Lucero, Sr. Warden (Practicing Lawyer); Severino Gonzales, Jr. Warden (Provincial Treasurer); Serafin Macasaet, Treasurer (Asst. Pro. Treasurer); Cayetano Froilan, Secretary (Municipal Treasurer) ; Manuel Acuña, Sr. Deacon (PC Captain); Ricardo Reyes, Jr. Deacon (Businessman); Vicente Oreo, Sr. Steward (Administrative Officer) ; Pablo Corsino, Jr. Steward (District Supervisor) ; Lao Yu Tiok, Almoner (Businessman); Ramon Laohoo, Marshall (Businessman), and Juan Sulse, Tyler (Businessman Farmer). Two of the charter members became the Provincial Governor of Samar, Claudio Lucero and Juan Sulse.
Mount Huraw Lodge No. 98 can claim the distinction of being the mother lodge of two other lodges in Samar namely; Northern Samar Lodge No. 211 which was chartered in 1976 and East Gate Lodge No. 232, chartered in 1980. Most, if not all, the charter members of both lodges were either members of this lodge before demiting to organize the new lodges, or were initiated, passed and raised in Mt. Huraw lodge. Incidentally, the first Worshipful Master of both lodges are Past Masters of Mount Huraw Lodge.
For several years after it was chartered, Mt. Huraw Lodge was housed in different private buildings in town. It was not until the early 1970's that the lodge was able to acquire a lot in Mercedes District, Catbalogan, Samar. A fund raising campaign was forthwith started. The members subscribed to shares of stock, or donated cash as well as construction materials and other needed equipment. Through tact and perseverance on the part of the members, the Temple of Mount Huraw Lodge No. 98 was completed. Grand Master Teodoro V. Kalaw, Jr. dedicated it on January 26,,1976, the Golden Anniversary of the lodge.
Location: Catbalogan, Samar