History of Moriones Masonic Lodge No. 399
In May 2009, a group of well meaning brethren from Kalilayan Lodge No. 37 conceived the idea of establishing the First Lodge of Master Masons in Boac, Marinduque. The idea was broached to the Grand Lodge of the Philippines by Very Worshipful Apolinario V. Pañebe, the then District Deputy Grand Master for Masonic District R IV - C (Quezon). He discovered upon proper investigation that already a significant number of Master Masons from Marinduque exists but are members of various Lodges under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines. He Made an annoucement of his desire to form the first lodge in Marinduque through the Grand Lodge's website, and by word of mouth amongst all brethren in Metro Manila and Quezon Province, and fortunately, a good number of Master Masons from Marinduque answered the call.
Present during the first organizational meeting held at Max's Restaurant, Scout Tuazon Branch were VW Apolinario V. Pañebe (PDDGM), WB Orlando C. Dy, Bro. Florendo F. Regis, Bro. Luisito S. Laylay, Bro. Jefferson C. Uy, Bro. Joseph R. Rodas, VW Alex Reynoir I. Cariaga, VW Jesus R. Decena, Bro. Eriberto R. Almonte, Bro. Nerwin M. Ricohermoso, Bro. Vladimir F. Pelaez, Bro. Federico P. Prieto and other brethren from Quezon Province.
Series of meetings ensued and subsequently in an election held for the purpose, the First Officers elected were WB Orlando C. Dy as Worshipful Master, Bro. Eribert R. Almonte as Senior Warden, Bro. Efren C. Nalda as Junior Warden, Bro. Nerwin M. Ricohermoso as Treasurer, Bro. Vladimir F. Pelaez as Secretary, Bro. Luisito S. Laylay as Assistant Secretary and Bro. Joseph R. Rodas as Auditor.
The brethren who signed the petition for dispensation were as follows: Bro. Orlando C. Dy, Bro. Eriberto R. Almonte, Bro. Efren C. Nalda, Bro. Vladimir F. Pelaez, Bro. Florendo F. Regis, Bro. Nerwin M. Ricohermoso, Bro. Luisito S. Laylay, Bro. Apolinario V. Pañebe, Bro. Joseph R. Rodas, Bro. Alex Reynoir I. Cariaga, Bro. Jesus R. Decena, Bro. Federico P. Prieto, Bro. Renan L. Desaluna, Bro. Aurelio Constantino, Bro. Rex G. Osio, Bro. Renato A. Mogol, Bro. Orlando R. Ortua, Bro. Gerardo Neri B. Arañas, Bro. Beato R. Relato Jr., Bro. Benedicto P. Asi, Bro. Reynaldo O. Calayan Jr., Bro. Rodante A. Sanga, Bro. Baltazar B. Taracina, Bro. Jefferson C. Uy, Bro. Percival R. Pineda, Bro. Michael V. Casipit, Bro. Ramon C. Talaga III, Bro. Michael Q. Aro, Bro. Edilberto M. De Luna, Bro. Ronilo C. Sonio, Bro. Ronaldo G. Bulfa, Bro. Percival Sofronio O. Canela, Bro. Roderick C. Rolle, Bro. Leo M. Francisco and others.
On August 19, 2009, acting on the petition to form a new lodge, Grand Master Peter U. Lim Lo Suy issued the special dispensation of even date which finally gave Moriones Lodge its first breath of life.
The first petitioners who were initiated, passed and raised to the sublime degree of Freemasonry by the Moriones Lodge Under Dispensation were Brothers Emmanuel P. Privado and Reydante S. Sumo.
During the 95th Annual Communication held last April 2010 at Davao City, the much awaited Lodge Numberr for Moriones Lodge finally was given by then Grand Master Avelino "Sonny" I. Razon Jr.
The Moriones Lodge is now called Lodge No. 399, R IV - C, having its seat in the capital town of Boac, Marinduque. The Lodge is so spacious fully furnished with air conditioning units, chairs, and tables for the officers and other paraphernalia. Most of which came from the magnanimity of members prominent of which were Bro. Roberto M. Madla, Bro. Joseph R. Rodad, Bro. Oralando C. Dy, VW Apolinario V. Pañebe (PDDGM), Bro. Orlando R. Ortua, Bro. Efren C. Nalda, Bro. Eriberto R. Almonte, Bro. Luisito S. Laylay, Bro. Nerwin M. Ricohermoso, Bro. Florendo F. Regis and other brethren whose names did not want to be anymore mentioned.
On Masonic Year 2012 - 13, Bro. Eriberto R. Almonte was elected as Worshipful Master, Bro. Efren C. Nalda and Bro. Orlando R. Ortua as Senior and Junior Wardens, Bro. Nerwin M. Ricohermoso as Treasurer, Bro. Emmanuel P. Privado as Secretary and WB Orlando C. Dy as Auditor. During their term, two petitioners were initiated, passed and raised to the sublime degree of Freemasonry, they are Brothers Rolando E. Soriano Jr. and Floro S. Villamin Jr. At the same year they accepted two petitioners they are Mr. Conrad L. Du and Joel B. Batle IV.
On Masonic Year 2013 - 14, Bro. Efren C. Nalda was elected as Worshipful Master, Bro. Reydante S. Sumo and Bro. Emmanuel P. Privado as Senior and Junior Wardens, Bro. Rolando E. Soriano Jr. as Treasurer, Bro. Floro S. Villamin Jr. as Secretary and WB Orlando C. Dy as Auditor. During their term, Mr. Conrad L. Du was initiated and passed to the degree of Fellow Craft Mason, Mr. Joel S. Batle IV was also initiated as Entered Apprentice Mason. At the same year they accepted two petitioners they are Mr. Rodel H. Suarez and Mr. Herbert D. Delos Santos.
During Masonic Year 2014 - 15, Bro. Reydante S. Sumo was elected as Worshipful Master, Bro. Emmanuel P. Privado and Bro. Orlando R. Ortua as Senior and Junior Wardens, WB Florendo F. Regis as Treasurer, WB Efren C. Nalda as Secretary and VW Orlando C. Dy as Auditor. This year four members was added to the roster of the lodge. Brothers Rodel H. Suarez, Herbert D. Delos Santos, Conrad L. Du and Joel S. Batle IV who were initiated, passed and raised to the sublime degree of Freemasonry by Moriones Lodge No. 399. Also that year they accepted Mr. Zeus Ivy S. Paguntalan as petitioner.
On Masonic Year 2015 - 16, Bro. Orlando R. Ortua was elected as Worshipful Master, Bro. Emmanuel P. Privado and Bro. Floro S. Villamin Jr. as Senior and Junior Wardens, WB Efren C. Nalda as Treasurer, Bro. Rodel H. Suarez as Secretary and WB Florendo F. Regis as Auditor. On the same year, they accepted new petitioners, they are Mr. Raul M. Adlawan, Fr. Roberto B. Reginio & Fr. Cesar C. Hilario. On their tern Bro. Zeus Ivy S. Paguntalan was initiated as Entered Apprentice Mason.
On Masonic Year 2016 - 17, Bro. Emmanuel P. Privado was elected as Worshipful Master, Bro. Rodel H. Suarez and Bro. Nerwin M. Ricohermoso as Senior and Junior Wardens, WB Efren C. Nalda as Treasurer, Bro. Conrad L. Du as Secretary and WB Florendo F. Regis as Auditor. During their term Mr. Zeus Ivy S. Paguntalan was passed as Fellow Craft Mason and two petitioners were accepted, they are Mr. Van Alluscius V. Saet and Mr. Jowell R. Ricafrente.
By Masonic Year 2017 - 18, Bro. Rodel H. Suarez was elected as Worshipful Master, Bro. Conrad L. Du and Bro. Floro S. Villamin Jr. as Senior and Junior Wardens, WB Efren C. Nalda as Treasurer, Bro. Herbert D. Delos Santos Jr. as Secretary and WB Florendo F. Regis as Auditor. This year, five petitioners were initiated as Entered Apprentice Masons (Adlawan, Reginio, Hilario, Saet and Ricafrente) and Bro. Zeus Ivy S. Paguntalan was raised to the sublime degree of Freemasonry. Also this year, Moriones Lodge hosted the successful 57th Masonic District Convention of MDR-IV Quezon - Marinduque held in Buenavista, Marinduque last August 19, 2017. This convention was very memorable to all, for the first time the DisCon was held outside the province of Quezon and VW Orlando C. Dy was the District Deputy Grand Master and the Charter Master of Moriones Lodge No. 399. VW Orlando C. Dy was appointed by our Grand Master MW Abraham "Bambol" N. Tolentino and he was our first DDGM from our lodge.
By Masonic Year 2018 - 19, Bro. Conrad L. Du was elected as Worshipful Master, Bro. Herbert D. Delos Santos Jr. and Bro. Rolando E. Soriano Jr. as Senior and Junior Wardens, WB Efren C. Nalda as Treasurer, Bro. Jeffrey R. Sosa as Secretary and WB Florendo F. Regis as Auditor. During their first Stated Meeting on March 2018 they passed Bro. Van Alluscius V. Saet to the 2nd Degree of Masonry (FCM). The Lodge conducted several projects namely Brigada Eskwela and Adopt a School Projects where they gave away school supplies to Barangay Tugos and Barangay Duyay Elementary Schools. They also conducted a medical and dental project at Barangay Buyabod, Santa Cruz, Marinduque, in joint partnership or cooperation with Capitol City Masonic Lodge No. 174, the twin or sister lodge of Moriones Masonic Lodge No. 399.
Now the brethren of Moriones Masonic Lodge No. 399 were now very active on charity works, they conducted community services in the Island of Marinduque. all of these were made possible under the leadership of WM Conrad L. Du and his officers and they always supported the programs and activities of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines.
Presently it has 40 active regular members in its roster.
The passing of this light of remembrance symbolizes the passing of responsibilities from the elder Master Masons to the emerging generation of Master Masons of Moriones Lodge No. 399.