It all started in 1999 with a conversation during a degree work for Entered Apprentice Masons at the Talavera Lodge No. 273. Among those in a huddle were Bro. MONICO Delgado of Nueva ECIJA Lodge No. 73, Bros. LAMBERTO Miranda and ARNEL LANDINGIN of Talavera Lodge No. 273, Bro. ANGELITO Tomas of the EULOGIO R. DIZON Memorial Lodge No. 264, and Bro. VIRGILIO CATBAGAN Jr. of San Jose City Lodge No. 309 who are mostly employee of the Talavera Municipal Government. The discussion was on the challenges that confront Masonic Lodge in Nueva ECIJA and Bro. MONICO Delgado’s proposal of establishing a model lodge as a resource center that will encourage proficiency in Masonic rituals and showcase compliance with all the edicts of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines. Finally in April 2000, Bro. LAMBERTO Miranda started the push for the Model Lodge project by being the first to give a contribution of P500.00 to get things going. However, certain challenges confronted the brethren and the Model Lodge project was put on hold. In February 2004, when brothers from the Regional Trial Court in BALOC, STO. Domingo we’re invited to join and the list of Charter Members was finally drawn, Bro. MONICO Delgado then approached Bro. FELICISIMO JOSON Jr. of Nueva ECIJA Lodge No. 73 who agreed to become the Charter Master. In a December 20, 2004 meeting, the founding brothers reiterated the Lodge’s name to be “Model Lodge”, agreed to hold its stated meetings every first Saturday of the month, and set a timetable for the submission of all requirements to the Grand Lodge. The death of Bro. FELICISIMO JOSON Jr. in February 2007, who was the appointed Charter Master, temporarily sidelined the formation of the lodge. Thus, a long hiatus followed. The Lodge was instituted on October 31, 2007 at Cabanatuan Lodge No. 53 by then Grand Master Jaime Gonzales. Installed as principal officers of Model Lodge UD were Bro. PRUDENCIO ELEGADO as Worshipful Master, Bro. NARCISO Nieto (FACTORIA Lodge No. 311) as Senior Warden, and bro. ANACLITO Fernandez (EULOGIO R. DIZON lodge No. 321) as Junior Warden. Model Lodge UD was granted a charter during the 92nd Annual Communications of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the Philippines in April 2008 at Bacolod City and was assigned the number 373. A month later or on May 17, 2008, the lodge was formally constituted as Model Lodge No. 373.
The lodge is named “MODEL” because the brethren of the lodge envisions a “model lodge” that would encourage proficiency in Masonic rituals and showcase compliance with all the laws and edicts of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines. The All-Seeing Eye towers above the Lodge and whose wisdom is showered upon the lodge through its magnificent rays. All the tools of the craft is presented in the seal together with the Volume of Sacred Law over which all the brethren of the Lodge took their oaths. The mosaic pavement found in the lodge symbolizes the duality of man, where the brethren focus on the good side of a mason and overthrow evil. The square and compass joined together is an emblematic symbol of masonry denoting peace, harmony and unity in the Lodge. It likewise reminds the brethren to square their actions and circumscribe all their passions within due bounds.
The Lodge is distinct in that it composes of Masonic brothers who are proficient in all labors of the Craft and continuously seek to develop themselves into competent, respectable and honorable leaders who will be “models of Masonic demeanor”. The lodge has truly lived up to its name.