Micronesia Lodge No. 173
The Name
Micronesia (tiny islands) is one of the three main divisions of the Pacific Islands, located in the western Pacific Ocean, largely north of the equator. The four principal island groups in Micronesia are the Marianas (seat of the lodge), the Caroline, the Gilbert and the Marshall Islands.
The Lodge
Micronesia Lodge No. 173, started to meet at Saipan, Northern Marianas Islands, after Grand Master Pedro M. Gimenez issued a dispensation authorizing its establishment on 13 July 1963. Named as dispensation officers of the lodge were: WB Horace Leavitt, Master, WB Walter F. Dupont, Senior. Warden and Bro. Elmer Gay, Jr., Junior Warden.
On April 29, 1964, the Grand Lodge granted the lodge a charter. Grand Master Charles Mosebrook planned to personally constitute the lodge on July 23, 1964, but he was unable to leave for Saipan due to a strike of the Pan American Airways on his scheduled date of departure. He, therefore, delegated WB Hugh C. Donaldson to perform the ceremonies in his behalf. Although the lodge was the youngest at the time, it nevertheless covered the hugest area in the Pacific region. Roughly speaking, Micronesia Lodge No. 173 extended from the Philippines to Wake Island or even Hawaii Islands in the direction of West to East. And it extended from Japan to Guam in the direction of North to South. Most of the members were contract workers from the United States working in Saipan during the U.S. Trusteeship.
In 1975, when Saipan voted for status as a U.S. Commonwealth, most of the members either relocated elsewhere or retired back to the U.S. mainland, while some found employment on Guam. All these contributed to the decimation of the lodge's membership making it difficult to form a quorum for the conduct of meetings. In 1977, the members decided to transfer their lodge to Guam.
In Guam some brethren from Charleston Lodge No. 44 and Milton C. Marvin Lodge No. 123, affiliated with Micronesia Lodge to enable the lodge to retain its charter. Through their efforts and perseverance, Micronesia Lodge No. 173 was given a new beginning. With the infusion of more pioneering members, the lodge started to have a sustainable life again. The elected and appointed officers demonstrated strong leadership and example and in due time, Micronesia Lodge No. 173 became one of the significant "success stories" in the history of lodges under the Philippine jurisdiction. This culminated on October 18, 1985 when, through the effort of WB Raulito Galgana and the Secretary of the lodge, WB Casiano Bostre, the charter of the lodge was permanently established and fully authorized to have Guam as its new permanent seat.
Micronesia Lodge No. 173 now boasts an active membership of 76 brethren, almost half of them scattered all over the world. Brethren from afar unfailingly communicate with the lodge. The brethren on the island continue to demonstrate devotion and loyalty to Masonry in general and to Micronesia Lodge No. 173 in particular. Its Past Masters have maintained their undying dedication to making the lodge strong. Newly arrived Masons find "home and brotherhood" in the lodge, ultimately ending up as affiliated members. The lodge now is strong. Harmony is at an all time high. Support to the Grand Lodge, has always been extraordinary. Programs to assist the less fortunate, the sick, and victims of natural disasters are firmly in place. Micronesia Lodge No. 173 is and will continue to be the torchbearer on Guam in spreading the light of Masonry and the glory of brotherhood.
Location: Agana, Guam