Memorial Lodge No. 90
The Name
The founders of this lodge chose the name "Memorial" because they desired to pay tribute to the memory of all the patriots who made the supreme sacrifice during the Filipino struggles for liberty of 1896 and 1898, rather than selecting any one of them.
The Lodge
Memorial Lodge No. 90 was founded in 1923 in San Jose, Nueva Ecija by Marcelino Hidalgo Sr., a member of Walana Lodge No. 13, together with Rufino P. Angeles, Apolonio M. Fuentes, Demetrio V. Zabat of Nueva Ecija Lodge No. 73; Basilio Castro of Kasilawan Lodge No. 77; Pacifico Bautista of Primera Luz Lodge No. 69; Juan Bautista of Agno Valley Lodge No. 75; Cirilo T. Caparas of Malolos Lodge No. 46; Kilmer Moe, Superintendent of CLASS (now CLSU); and Lewis P. In their meeting held on July 12, 1923, these Masons prepared a petittion for a dispensation to form a lodge and filed it with the Grand Lodge in Manila.
On August 14, 1923, Grand Master Frederic H. Stevens issued a dispensation authorizing them to organize a lodge in San Jose, Nueva Ecija to be known as Memorial Lodge. Named as the first officers of the lodge were Marceliano Hidalgo, Master; Jacinto Bunag, Senior Warden; Demetrio Lacuna, Junior Warden, Pacifico G. Bautista, Treasurer and Apolonio Zabat, Secretary. The Grand Lodge granted the lodge a charter on January 23, 1924 after it was: satisfied that all requirements had been complied with. On April 12, 1924 Grand Master Wenceslao Trinidad and several Grand Lodge officers proceeded to San Jose, Nueva Ecija to constitute the lodge and install its officers. MW Trinidad presided during the constitution ceremonies, while Junior Grand Warden Joseph Schmidt installed the officers.
A few years after its constitution, Memorial Lodge transferred its meeting place to Muñoz, Nueva Ecija.
Like all other lodges in the Philippines, Memorial Lodge went into darkness when the Second World War broke out. It was not until May 1945, that the lodge was able to reopen its doors, and it had to be reorganized in San Jose because all the buildings in Muñoz were razed during the war. In spite of the difficulties, Memorial Lodge registered a remarkable growth. According to the Cabletow, from May 1945 to November 1945, the lodge had more applicants for degrees than during the last three pre-wars years.
After conditions in Muñoz normalized, Memorial Lodge returned to its former meeting place.
When WB Pedro S. De Guzman, Sr. became the Worshipful Master in 1958, the Memorial Masonic Temple Association Inc. was duly formed and incorporated and registered with the SEC. The Association, in behalf of the lodge, purchased from WB Fuertes a lot in Munoz containing 400 sq.m. Later it acquired an additional 225 square meters from the Del Rosario Estate, bringing the total land area of the lodge property to 625 sq. meters. On February 7, 1959, under the leadership of WB Onofre B. Padolina, Sr. the cornerstone of the Temple was laid in Masonic ceremonies officiated by Grand Master Howard Hick. Within the year the Temple was finished. On November 21, 1959 the completed Temple was solemnly dedicated by Grand Master Macario Ofilada.
With a membership of only 16 Master Masons in 1924, the roster of Muñoz: Lodge grew to 23 in 1927, then to 49 in 1945, 157 in 1964, and 219 in 1974. A majority of its Masters have served for only one year each, however, four served for several terms each, namely: WB Marcelino Hidalgo, Sr. (7 years); WB Rufino P. Angeles (8 years); WB Onofre B. Padolina, Sr. (6 years); and WB Antonio P. Pascual (4 years).
Worth naming in this history are some brethren who brought honor and glory to the lodge. First is WB Victorio S. Lin as a dedicated Worshipful Master in 1961, was elected Secretary from 1951 to 1954 and again from 1966 up to 1974, a period of 13 years. Another is WB Antonio P. Pascual, a past District Deputy Grand Master, Past District Grand Lecturer and a 33° Mason with the rank of SGIG. Third is WB Onofre B. Padolina, Sr., a Past Junior Grand Lecturer and likewise a 33° Mason, IGH.
Today, Memorial Iodge No. 90 is very proud to be the mother lodge of Narra No. 171 and Pantabanganl Bonari Lodge No. 203. It is, likewise, proud to possess a Temple housing not only the blue lodge but also the Muñoz Bodies, A.&.A.S.R., Muñoz Royal Court No. 17, Order of the Amaranth, and the Kalikasan Chapter, International Order of DeMolay.
Location: Muñoz, Nueva Ecija