Mampiya-An Lodge No. 284
The Name
"Mampiyaan" is a Kalinga word which means to better oneself, and to improve one's position or condition. It also means melting pot. The mission of the brethren who aimed to form a new lodge was to show that harmonious relationships among men could open a locality to progress, more so because Tabuk, Kalinga is already a metropolis that is a mélange of diverse ethnic groups.
The Lodge
Mampiya-an Lodge No.284 is a creation of the brethren of Rio Chico Lodge No. 182 in Tabuk, Kalinga whose membership had reached the century mark and therefore, needed a sister lodge to promote the tenets of Freemasonry in that burgeoning capital town of the province. Bulanao, being the biggest barangay in the capital town, was chosen as the ideal site of the new lodge.
On May 2, 1986, twenty-nine (29) Master Masons who were residents of Bulanao prepared a petition for the formation of Mampiya-an Lodge. After they secured the required endorsement of DDGM Felicisimo B. Munda of Masonic District No. 2 they forwarded their petition to the Grand Lodge and on October 26, 1986, Grand Master Reynold S. Fajardo gave them a dispensation to congregate as a lodge.
For some reason or other the report of the lodge on its activities did not reach the Grand Lodge before the start of the annual communication in April 1987. Mampiya-an Lodge, therefore, was not granted a charter, however, its dispensation was extended for another year.
At the annual communication held in April 1988, Mampiya-an Lodge was finally granted a charter. On August 4, 1988, the new Grand Master, Raymundo N. Beltran, traveled all the way from Manila to officiate at the constitution of the lodge. The ceremonies were timed to coincide with the Convention of
Masonic District No.2 that was hosted by the fledgling lodge with the assistance of its mother lodge, Rio Chico Lodge No.182. Incidentally, the first three elected officers of the lodge were: WB Heraldo B. Daway, Worshipful Master; Bro. Ernesto M. Guinid, Senior Warden; and Bro. Juan M. Boguen, Junior Warden.
Recently, a majestic Temple of the lodge was erected in an imposing location on a road leading to the center of Tabuk, Kalinga, on a lot donated by the family of Bro. Antonio Soriano Orodio and supplemented by Bro. Andres Mamanteo.
Although a very young lodge, Mampiya-an Lodge has already produced two District Deputy Grand Masters - VW Dominador Tumbali and VW Romeo Urmeneta.
Location: Bulanao, Tabuk, Kalinga