Malolos Lodge No. 46
The Name
Malolos is the name of the town where this lodge is established. Malolos means a place abundant in lulos trees.
The Lodge
On March 7, 1918, several Masons led by Governor Nicolas Buendia met at Club Alegre, Barasoain, and agreed to found a lodge in Malolos, Bulacan. It was smooth sailing all the way. On March 22,1918, Grand Master Manuel L. Quezon gave them a dispensation and the following year, on January 28, 1919, the Grand Lodge granted a charter to their lodge as Malolos Lodge No. 46.
On March 22, 1919, a special train from Manila brought 147 Masons to Malolos to constitute Malolos Lodge. Among those in the party were Grand Master Milton E. Springer, Manuel X. Burgos, Jr , Francisco Delgado, Miguel Unson, Manuel Camus and Felipe Buencamino, Jr. At 8 pm the Grand Lodge was opened in ample form at Malolos Cine and the ceremonies commenced. There were some 1,200 guests present. Installed were Nicolas Buendia, Master; Escolastico Gatmaitan, Senior Warden; and Ramon Ramos, Junior Warden. After the installation, the new Master tendered a reception and ball in his residence.
Prominent and distinguished citizens of the province of Bulacan joined the new lodge. An indication of how influential were the members of the lodge is the results of the municipal elections held in June 1931. Four members of the lodge were elected as Municipal Presidents and one as Municipal Vice President of different towns of Bulacan. Thus, Moises Ligon was elected Municipal President of San Miguel; Peregrino E. Sauco, Municipal President of Baliwag; Ignacio Tapang, Municipal President of Malolos; Nazario Trillana, Municipal President of Hagonoy and Marcelo Tablan, Municipal Vice President of Bulacan. Among the other prominent citizens of the province who joined the lodge were: Dionisio Dimaguiba, Amado V. Aldaba, Mariano Queri, Mariano Crisostomo, Cristobal Santiago, Honorato Carlos, Domingo Enrile, Victorino Gatrnaitan, and Hermenegildo Pascual. Because of the prominence of the members and their high positions in the community, many important events in Malolos in those days were shaped and planned within the premises of the lodge. Membership grew and for over three decades the lodge enjoyed the status of a premier organization in the town.
After the Second World War, the lodge encountered some difficulties. It adopted a policy of carefully screening applicants for membership, but it was so strict; only a few were able to gain entry. Membership began to dwindle. Moreover its building which was constructed in 1927 fell into disrepair forcing the lodge to dispose of it.
In the 70's and 80's the lodge accepted second and third generation Masons. With the infusion of young blood, the lodge started to hum again with activities. A new building rose and a social hall was constructed. Attendance during meetings dramatically improved. Once again the presence of Malolos Lodge in the community was felt.
There is one day that lingers in the memory of the members. On July 15, 1956, they visited the founder of their lodge, Nicolas Buendia, at his house in Tondo where he was confined due to illness and presented him with a certificate of life membership in recognition of his valuable services to the Fraternity. In expressing his gratitude, Buendia attributed his election to various public offices to his adherence to the teachings of the Fraternity. He said that when he dies he would served his country through the principles of Masonry.
The numbers of Malolos Lodge are proud in the thought that their founder’s life is worth emulating.
Location: Malolos, Bulacan