Makiling Lodge No. 72
The Name
Makiling Lodge was named after Mt. Makiling, a dormant volcano, 1090 meters high near Calamba, Laguna, which was the first seat of this lodge. Mt. Makiling is celebrated in legend as the abode of gods and goddesses.
The Lodge
A dispensation for the organization of Makiling Lodge in Calamba, Laguna was issued on April 6, 1921. A year later, in January 1922, the lodge was issued a charter duly signed by Grand Master Quintin Paredes and Grand Secretary Newton Comfort. On May 13, 1922, it was duly constituted and its officers installed at the Rizal Memorial School Building in Calamba, Laguna by a team led by Grand Master Quintin Paredes before an audience of more than 1000 persons, some 400 of whom were Masons. Those installed included Juan Munoz as Worshipful Master, Candido Capadocia as Senior Warden and Florencio Corteciano as junior Warden. After the ceremonies speeches were delivered by Bro. Jose P. Laurel in English, Bro. Inigo Ed. Regalado in Tagalog and Grand Master Paredes in Spanish.
A few years after its constitution, the lodge moved to the campus of the U. P. College of Agriculture in Los Banos in an attempt to draw membership from the faculty of the Colleges of Agriculture and Forestry.
During the Second World War many members of the lodge were killed, while most of those who survived moved to other provinces. The paraphernalia and equipment of the lodge were all destroyed. Consequently, the lodge remained inactive for about 20 years.
On the occasion of Grand Master Vicente Y. Orosa's visitation to Malinao Lodge and Pinagsabitan Lodge in Laguna, he expressed the desire to have Makiling Lodge revived. This great undertaking fell on the shoulders of Nicanor Teodoro.
Teodoro enlisted the support of some old inactive members and the participation of active Masons from other lodges. He engaged a suitable and safe meeting place. Also, he and Clemente Juliano, Sr. dipped into their own pockets to purchase the paraphernalia and equipment needed by the lodge. With the encouragement of the Grand Lodge, Makiling Lodge was eventually reconstituted on February 18, 1959. It started its activities on February 28, 1959 with the installation of its new set of officers.
The membership gradually increased from 18 in 1958 to 36 in 1962 and 45 in 1990. College Deans, faculty members of the U.P. Colleges of Forestry and Agriculture, research scientists of FPRI and businessmen made up the membership of the lodge.
With increased membership, the lodge was able to establish appendant Masonic organizations. Thus, the Order of the Eastern Star, the International Order of Rainbow for Girls and the International Order of the DeMolay acquired a foothold in Los Baños. In addition, University-recognized organizations such as the UPLB DeMolay Club and the Nexus Filiae were founded.
Responding to the need for more financial resources, the members formed the Business Research and Development Systems Corporation (BRADSCOR). The lodge participates in community service projects and in the relief of the needy in the community.
As testimony to what the lodge can do, it hosted the annual communication of the Grand Lodge in 1990.
Location: Los Baños, Laguna