On May 24,2003 Thirty Three Master Masons addressed a petition to the MW Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the Philippines, praying for a permission to organized a lodge at the Scottish Rite Temple, in Taft Avenue, MALATE Manila, to be named “ Dad MACARIO R. Ramos Sr. Memorial Lodge “UD”. The petition was favorably endorsed by VW RAMONCITO P. Javier DDGM of Masonic District No. 1 and worshipful Brother Jose A. Roncesvalles-Worshipful Master of Cosmos Lodge No. 8 to congregate into a regular lodge, known as Dad MACARION R. Ramos Sr.
Memorial Lodge UD., MW Ricardo G. Galvez, Grand Master, designated RW MACARION R. Ramos Jr. to be the First Master Bro. Reynaldo M. TOMAMPO to be the First Senior Warden and Very Worshipful Gregorio C. DY to be the First Junior Warden of the new Lodge.MW NAPOLEON A. SORIANO, PGM, with the authority of MW Ricardo G. Galvez, Grand Master. With the assistance of RW Jaime Y. Gonzales- Junior Grand Warden who acted as Master of Ceremonies instituted Dad MACARIO R. Ramos Sr. Memorial Lodge UD., on February 20, 2004 and on the same day the officers of the Lodge were installed into office, the Lodge had no problem securing a Charter from the MW Grand Lodge, During the Annual Communication held in April 2005 at the TAGAYTAY Convention Center, TAGAYTAY City. On May 2, 2005, MW HERMOGENES E. EBDANE Jr., Grand Master together with his Grand Line Officers, constituted MACARION R. Ramos Memorial Lodge No. 355, F. & A. M., at the Scottish Rite Temple, 1828 Taft Avenue, MALATE, MANILA
The Lodge is named in honor of the First Grand Master of the Supreme Council Order of DEMOLAY, Republic of the Philippines. A NOTED INSURANCE MAN A world war II veteran with the Rank of Colonel, a Survivor of the death march from Bataan to TARLAC and a very much well-loved by the youth, whose unselfish contributions to Masonry, the Brethren felt should be recognized.