Luis B. Reyes Memorial Lodge No. 224
The Name
Named in honor of Bro. Luis J. Reyes of Bataan, who, during his lifetime, was looked up to as an outstanding expert on Philippine woods.
The Lodge
Time was when the brethren living in Mariveles had to travel all the way to Orani, Bataan just to attend a meeting. Finding it quite difficult to traverse the approximately 60-kilometer stretch, particularly during the stormy season, some brethren started to think aloud: Why not organize a lodge in Mariveles?
The late Bro Luis J. Reyes conceived the idea and he even set aside a piece of land in Cabcaben, Mariveles on which a Temple may be erected. Bro. Reyes, however, died before his brainchild could be carried out. On October 21, 1977, after his death, thirty-one members of Bataan Lodge No. 104 petitioned the Grand Master for a dispensation to open a lodge in Mariveles to be named in the memory of Bro. Reyes.
On December 15, 1977, Grand Master Calixto O. Zaldivar gave them a dispensation. The lodge was forthwith organized and met in one of the cottages of the Beach Resort of the heirs of Bro. Luis T. Reyes who graciously offered the use of the cabin until such time that the members could erect a Temple. At the annual communication of the Grand Lodge in April 1978, however, the lodge was not granted a charter because of certain deficiencies. Nonetheless, its dispensation was extended for another year.
At the annual communication of the Grand Lodge held in the following year, the lodge was finally granted a charter and assigned number 224. On November 3, 1980, Luis J. Reyes Memorial Lodge No. 224 was constituted and its first charter officers were installed.
The lodge acquired a 1140 square meters lot along the Bataan-Mariveles Road and soon thereafter the members started construction of a Temple. The late WB Froilan Silva contributed a sizeable amount and the other brethren gave whatever they could afford. On January 5, 1985, after the Temple was completed, Grand Master Reynato S. Puno opened a Special Communication of the Grand Lodge to dedicate the new Temple at Mariveles, Bataan. The principal officers of the lodge then were Joel C. Jaco, Worshipful Master; Romualdo Escaler; Senior Warden and Manuel Garcia, Junior Warden.
Today, on top of a hill proudly stands a Masonic Temple, on the ledge of which is printed in bold relief "Luis J. Reyes Mem. Lodge No. 224, F. & A.M."
In the 1980s, seven American brethren, led by WB Chuck de Morse, became members of this lodge. They found the lodge very comfortable; for, being on top of a hill, it absorbs the cool breeze coming from the sea.
The members of the lodge do not mind that their lodge is the farthest of all the lodges in Bataan. They love attending Masonic functions in that Temple atop a hill. Hence, Luis J. Reyes Memorial. Lodge No. 224, has the bright prospect of becoming the best lodge in the district.
Location: Mariveles, Bataan