Lam-ang Lodge No. 164
The Name
An Iloko epic, Lam-Ang is a hybrid work that combines Pagan and Christian elements. It depicts the enmity between the Igorots and christianized lowlanders, and narrates how the hero (Lam-Ang) conquers the Igorots with the use of magical powers. Authorship of the epic is attributed to the Iloco writer Pedro Bukaneg.
The Lodge
Lam-Ang Lodge was born when some members of Angalo Lodge No. 63 in Vigan, agreed to form another lodge in the southern part of Ilocos Sur. On November 2, 1961, Grand Master Juan S. Alano issued to them a dispensation to organize a lodge to be holden in San Esteban, Ilocos Sur to be named Lam-Ang Lodge. The 23 organizers then wrote the By-Laws of the lodge and elected WB Teodorico D. Ayson as the first Master of the lodge. On April 25, 1962, the Grand Lodge, in Annual Communication, granted a charter to the lodge and assigned number 164 to it. On June 30, 1962, Grand Master William H. Quasha, with the assistance of Grand Lodge Officers and some other Masonic dignitaries, opened a Special Communication of the Grand Lodge in San Esteban, Ilocos Sur and constituted Lam-Ang Lodge No. 164. Right after the constitution of the new lodge, Grand Master Quasha installed its officers.
The members put up a modest Temple in San Esteban Beach, near Sta. Maria town. With the permission of the then Mayor WB Samuel Orpilla, DDGM, who donated the same later, a Temple designed by WB David Lara, MD, was partially constructed.
Political turmoil in the town caused the Temple construction to be abandoned. The lodge was transferred to Sta. Lucia and later to Candon, its present address. The UCCP is providing temporary housing for the lodge.
In 1991, two Brothers donated each a lot site. It is about a kilometer north of the Candon Town hall. With its 45 members, including four recent restorations, the project is continuing.
Location: Candon, Ilocos Sur