La Generacion Lodge No. 36
The Name
La Generacion is Spanish for “ the regeneration.”
The Lodge
Masons from the provinces of Tarlac and Pampanga founded this lodge in 1915 under the auspices at the Gran Oriente Español. On September 4, 1915, it held it first election of officers and the following were chosen: Gen Servillino Aquino, Venerable Master Manuel de Leon, First Vigilant; Elias N. Recto, Second Vigilant Arturo Dancel, Orator ; Jose Banuelos, Secretary: and Jayme Puno. Treasurer. The following year or more specifically on December 20, 1916 admitted into the Federation of the Grand Oriente Espanol as La Regeneracion Lodge No 386.
In February 1917, La Regeneracion joined the Grand Lodge of the Philippine Islands and was issued a new charter Lodge No. 36. It was formally constituted on February 14, 1917 together with thirty other lodges.
La Regeneracion had many prominent member on its roster like Senator Sotero Baluyot Speaker Benigno Aquino, Sr., Sisenando Palarca, Clemente Bundalian and Deogracias Tanedo but this notwithstanding it did not last long. It had a stable membership but trivial quarrels disrupted harmony in the lodge till finally it had to close its doors because of “existing conditions.” On May 31, 1925, the officer at the lodge (Jose L. Perez, Master Domingo Tablan, Senior Warden: Javme Puno, Junior Warden; Victoriano Castro, Treasurer and Engenio Villanos, Secretary) formally surrendered the charter of the lodge to the Grand Lodge .The Grand Secretary took over the property of the lodge and conducted its unfinished business Demits were granted to all members in good standing and they went their separate ways. Some founded Isagani Lodge No. 96, others established Pampanga Lodge No. 48 and still others joined existing lodges.
La Regeneracion Lodge was never regenerated.