La Naval Lodge No. 269
The Name
Naval and Marine Officers from Cavite organized this lodge. They named it La Naval in honor of Our Lady of La Naval, patroness of the Philippine Navy. Moreover, La Naval is the Spanish term for "The Navy."
The Lodge
The creation of the Philippine Navy Square and Compass Club in the latter part of the nineteen-seventies attracted a steady influx of Philippine Navy travelers to its roster. By the end of 1983, fifty members of the club who were also members of the eleven lodges that then existed in Cavite, filed a petition for a dispensation to form a Masonic lodge that would cater to the members of the naval service. Grand Master Rosendo C. Herrera issued the requested dispensation on January 16, 1984. On March 17, he convened a Special Communication of the Grand Lodge at the Masonic Temple of Cavite Lodge
No. 2 and formally presented the Dispensation to the organizers of the new lodge with the assistance of VW Olimpio A. Castaneda, DDGM. The designated officers and the members of the lodge were appropriately clad in white naval uniform. They expressed elation when they received the Dispensation from the Grand Master and his Deputy who themselves were ship captains.
At the annual communication of the Grand Lodge held in April 1984, the Committee on Charters recommended that the lodge be granted a charter and assigned the number 269. On June 30, 1984, Grand Master Reynato S. Puno, assisted by Grand Lodge officers and other Masonic dignitaries, constituted La Naval Lodge No. 269 at the Temple of Cavite Lodge No. 2. On that same day, RW Reynold S. Fajardo, Senior Grand Warden, installed the new officers of the lodge under charter. Again the officers were all in their immaculate white uniforms. The principal officers who were installed were: WB Edgardo C. Perez, Worshipful Master, Bro. Emmanuel D. Gob, Senior Warden, and Erlindo A. Erolin, Junior Wardens.
La Naval Lodge No. 269 conducts its stated meetings in a renovated building inside the Sangley Point Naval Base in Cavite City. On February 9, 1985 the Grand Lodge held a Special Communication at Cavite City for the purpose of dedicating the new Temple of La Naval Lodge. Truly, La Naval Lodge No. 269 has provided a steady pillar to the seafearing brethren of the country.
Location: Cavite City