King Solomon Masonic Lodge No. 150
The Name
The third King of Israel. King Solomon is supposed to preside, in the person of the Master (or his equivalent), over lodges of the Craft and of some of the Additional Degrees.
The Lodge
On April 10, 1957, several months after some brethren conceived the idea of forming a lodge in Makati, a dispensation to organize King Solomon Lodge was issued by Grand Master Clinton F. Carlson. The lodge, however, was not granted a charter by the Grand Lodge during the Annual Communication held later that month. Hence, MW Vicente Y. Orosa, the next Grand Master, issued a new dispensation to the lodge. At the Annual Communication held in April 1958, King Solomon Lodge No. 150 was finally granted a charter. That was the year when Davao Lodge No 149 of Davao City and Rising Sun Lodge No. 151 of Japan were also given their charters.
On August 11, 1958 Grand Master Howard R. Hick opened a Special Communication of the Grand Lodge at the Plaridel Masonic Temple for the purpose of constituting King Solomon Lodge. He was assisted by Rt. Wor. Macario Ofilada, WB Thomas B. Left and other Masonic dignitaries. After the ceremonies, Rt. Wor. Ofilada installed the officers of the lodge.
From that time on, the Brethren witnessed the growth of King Solomon Lodge No. 150. There were unpleasant and difficult times, but these trying experiences only made the brethren appreciate more the progress and development made.
Leadership changed hands and each new Master formulated ideas that gave the lodge the needed lift. Some succeeded during the years. Through the years the succeeding Masters did their share in bringing about the King Solomon Lodge of today. Every Master carries on the labor of fathering all the brethren and supervises the screening of prospective members, who will bring honor and credit to the lodge. To these efforts of strengthening the fraternal brotherhood among the members of King Solomon, everyone is committed.
Presently, the lodge is a mixture of old and new breed of brethren. All look forward to more fruitful years ahead in service to the craft.
Location: Makati, Metro Manila