Kapitan Pepe Lodge No. 293
The Name
This lodge is named after the Kapitan Pepe Subdivision in Cabanatuan City
where it is located.
The Lodge
The idea of forming a new Masonic lodge in the Kapitan Pepe Subdivision in Cabanatuan City was started as early as 1988 by several brethren residing in that place. On January 6, 1991, 28 Master Masons in good standing coming from Kapatiran Lodge No. 228, Cabanatuan Lodge No. 53, Zaragoza Lodge No. 263, Gen. Llanera Memorial Lodge 168 and Memorial Lodge No.90, all of whom were residing at or near the Kapitan Pepe Subdivision, filed a petition with the Grand Lodge asking for permission to organize a lodge to be named Kapitan Pepe Lodge. Kapatiran Lodge No. 228 and Talavera Lodge No. 273 favorably recommended their petition. The organizers were also given permission to use the Cabanatuan Memorial Temple as a meeting place.
On February 21, 1991, the organizers were given a dispensation by Grand Master John L. Choa and on March 9, 1991 the lodge held its first regular meeting. There were 13 members present and several visitors including the District Deputy Grand Master, Ildefonso Jose J. Cruz.
At the annual communication of the Grand Lodge held in Bacolod City in April 1991, the Committee on Charters recommended that the lodge be given a charter and assigned number 293. On May 11,1991, Grand Master Jose Reyes Guerrero opened a Special Communication of the Grand Lodge at the Cabanatuan Masonic Temple in Cabanatuan City and proceeded to constitute Kapitan Pepe Lodge No. 293 with the assistance of Grand Lodge officers. Immediately after the constitution ceremonies, VW Danilo D. Angeles, assisted by VW Pantas V. Macapagal who acted as Master of Ceremonies, installed the following officers of the new lodge: VW Teodoro G. Mendoza- Worshipful Master; Bro. Josefino Manayao, Senior Warden and Proceso T. Domingo, and Junior Wardens. The newly installed Master and the Grand Master then delivered speeches.
The members of this lodge belong to the younger generation and it is considered by some as the most elite lodge in Nueva Ecija. On February 12, 1994, Grand Master Rizal D. Aprotadera laid the cornerstone of its proposed Temple and on March 12,1996, his successor, Grand Master Danilo D. Angeles, presided over the ceremony of consecration and dedication of the completed Masonic Temple of the lodge. The Temple was erected on a lot leased from the City government of Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija.
Location: Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija.