Kapatiran Lodge No. 228
The Name
Kapatiran is a Tagalog word for Brotherhood or Fraternity,
The Lodge
This lodge started its existence on a discordant note. Organized by forty Master Masons, the founders were issued a dispensation to form the lodge in Cabanatuan City by Grand Master Desiderio Dalisay, Sr. The nearest lodge, Cabanatuan Lodge No. 53, however, questioned its existence contending that it was organized in violation of the Constitution. The matter was referred to the Jurisprudence Committee which declared: "On the petition to recall the dispensation issued to Kapatiran Lodge, U.D., and to declare such dispensation unconstitutional - this has been decided by the Grand Master and we abide by his decision in order to preserve peace and harmony among the Brethren."
At the annual communication of the Grand Lodge held in April 1979, the Committee on Charters recommended that the lodge be issued a charter based on its findings that it was in sound financial condition, had held six stated meetings and eighteen special meetings and had raised eleven Master Masons to the Sublime Degree.
On August 18, 1979, Grand Master Jolly R. Bugarin, assisted by Masonic dignitaries, opened a Special Communication of the Grand Lodge in Cabanatuan City and constituted Kapatiran Lodge No. 228. Immediately thereafter the officers of the new lodge, led by its first Worshipful Master, Carlos M. Ferrer, were installed into office.
The members of Kapatiran Lodge have amicably composed their differences
with those who challenged the formation of their lodge. Peace and harmony
now prevail among the brethren in Cabanatuan City.
Location: Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija