Kaduh Lodge No.278
The Name
The "Kaduh" is a word of the T'boli or Tiboli tribe, a native tribe in South Cotabato, which means "Charity." Kaduh Lodge therefore means Charity Lodge.
The Lodge
The unprecedented growth of Masonry in Dadiangas City (now Gen. Santos
City) necessitated the creation of another lodge in the area. On August 28, 1986, twenty-eight Master Masons, all residents of General Santos City and ambers of Mt. Matutum Lodge No. 156, Dadiangas Lodge No. 225 and Sarangani Lodge No. 50 petitioned the Grand Lodge for the issuance of a dispensation that would authorize them to form a lodge in General Santos City to be named Kaduh Lodge. Upon the recommendation of Mount Matutum Lodge No. 156 and VW Gauvain J. Benzonan, who was the guiding spirit behind the formation of the lodge, Grand Master Reynold S. Fajardo issued the requested dispensation on October 22, 1986.
On November 17, 1986 Kaduh Lodge was opened and organized at the Mount Matutum Temple. By the time the annual communication of the Grand Lodge was held in April 1987, the lodge had already held five stated and four special meetings and had initiated two applicants and passed and raised one of
them. Impressed with the performance of the lodge, the Grand Lodge, upon the recommendation of the Committee on Charters, granted it a charter and assigned to it number 278.
On May 30, 1987, Grand Master Teodorico V. Baldonado flew to General Santos City and constituted Kaduh Lodge as a regular lodge. On that day, too, the officers of the new lodge were installed into office, to wit: Jesus C. Veneracion, Worshipful Master; Domingo C. Teng, Senior Warden; and Leopoldo C. Hong, Junior Warden. WB Veneracion, a Doctor of Medicine and owner of St.
General Santos City was a Past Grand Knight of the Columbus. Teng was a Past President of Mount Matutum Lions owner of Kimball Plaza, the biggest department store in General Hong was a Past President of the Rotary Club of General Santos City and businessman engaged in trading of agricultural products and the distribution of fuel.
True to its name, Kaduh Lodge has embarked on many charitable projects, the most prominent of which is the granting of scholarships to poor but deserving students in the community.
Location: General Santos City, South Cotabato